Do you guys use any supplements?

@mayaann L-carnitine, Tongkat ali, creatine, caffeine, Vit D. Adding tongkat definitely ramped up my overall well-being, kind of a crapshoot for a lot of people though.
@mayaann Protein and creatine

I'll have a coffee when I get up but my go to pre workout is zipfizz

You really should be able to get everything you need from food and lifestyle.

Pill form supplements are nowhere near as effective as getting the nutrients from whole foods.
@mayaann Black coffee, Multivitamin, Creatine and sometimes 10mg citrulline malate if I'm feeling tired before training
Find it gives me some extra "go" and the pumps are good. Weird fact for me when I was taking Creatine it was easier to stay awake on a night shift and I'd need less caffeine.
@mayaann Multivitamins, oil of oregano, black elderberry, caffeine, protein, and creatine. Every blue moon I’d take BCAAs and amino acids on low protein days. But I’ve seen good results from just eating good food.
@mayaann Multivitamins(plus minerals), omega-3, glucosamine and aswagandha (stress/anxiety/good sleep). If buying aswagandha please buy ksm66 as it’s know to be the best.

Pre workout - black coffee with half t of cordysceps and a few drops off Siberian ginseng). Recently started Cordyceps and I feel it helps me do a full session in the gym without tiring out).

Then a whey concentrate shake after workouts.

Additionally I also bake my own protein bars with almond flour, whey, hemp powder and stevea - be creative and add some coconut oil, flavour essence, coco etc.
@mayaann Protein powder and sometimes I drink coffee before the gym or an energy drink maybe. It's not really specific to the gym for me though, I drink a coffee almost every day. I take vitamin d and zinc vitamins, but not related to gym, just reccomended by my doctor for deficiency. I'm going to start eating an oz of walnuts every day for the omega-3 though, starting today.
I prefer if I can to get as much nutrients as I can from the foods I eat, but I eat mostly fruits and vegetables, so I do use protein powder to help.