Does anybody else have a certain weight that they get stuck on and it's so hard to break below? How do I get past it?

@sammy2244 i’d agree with here. the diffference between 59kg and 61kg is very very small and your body might simply not be able to hit it without very strenuous measures that would make you unhealthy in other areas (you can google theories about body set point, or go watch stephanie buttermore’s videos on youtube about it) if you want toned legs, start squatting and deadlifting heavy! your resting metabolism goes up when you add more muscle too so you eat more and look leaner :)
@yommie yesssss I'm stuck at 64 - 65 kg.

So hard to go under that.

If I eat crap for a few days, I just have to watch it and within 2-3 days I'm back to that weight, but then I won't lose anymore. It's so strange. It's like my body doesn't want me to lose any more weight.
@seeker47 This is where I get stuck too! My goal is 60kg but every damn time I hit 64 it’s like I’ll see 63.5 for 1 day then it’s 64.5-66 over and over.

I’m back up to 72kg (fuckkkkk) but started diet and exercise again on Monday so time to hit that plateau again lol
@dawn16 wow I have the same goal hehe. How tall are you? I'm 5'7.

It's funny you're describing exactly my experience... sometimes I get to 63.5 but then it goes back up inexplicably. Lately I've just been eating intuitively though because I'm sick and tired of counting calories. And I'm staying about the same. About to add cardio when the heatwave has passed though so that might help. I'm going on a long gruelling hike in the fall so I need to train :D

I'm sure you'll get back to your plateau in no time!! heheAnd then the hard work begins
@vinebrancher 5'6" and 145lbs is my plateau. I can occasionally get to 143, but not less and I can never get it to stick. I was on a 1200kcal diet for a few months while still trying to power lift and I still couldn't get lower. I gave up and I'm back to 147.
@v%C3%A4in%C3%A4moinen If you are directing people like @yommie to a BMR calculator, please also make sure to clarify that BMR (basal metabolic rate) is the calories burned by existing, and does not account for the additional calories you need to sustain your activity level (which is incorporated into your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure)! So, when we talk about CICO, and reducing calories consumed, you are looking at subtracting from your TDEE (and ideally not going past your BMR level, to ensure healthy functioning). I'd hate for someone to be eating 500 calories below their BMR, and then get frustrated because they're weak and listless from so few calories (been there, done that...).
@gonzalio Yeah look that’s true. I checked the link before I posted it and when you generate the results there are some clear guidelines about the additional calories expended depending on their activity level.
@yommie Unfortunately as you lose weight your BMR drops too. For most women the window between calories needed to survive and total calories burned in a day is pretty small, especially as you get down to ideal weights.

Something that may help- cut back on intensity a little. It may help you cut cals for a bit to break the plateau. It’s much more difficult for me to lose when I’m wide open because I’m way hungrier!
@yommie If you track your calories at this point and -200 you'll start losing again. You've just reached the point where your calories burnt and eaten are the same and you need to reduce your calories further (or increase youe calories burnt)
@yommie Because you've probably hit equilibrium in your caloric intake and caloric burn. You have to adjust one or both of the factors in the equation to continue to move downwards.
@yommie It sounds like 61 kg is your comfortable weight. When I was younger, with a consistent large calorie deficit through diet and exercise, I was my target weight of 50 kg. But I was missing out on enjoying food and not resting enough. I then normalised my eating habits and went from working out 7 days to 5 days, and my weight is now 56 kg, and there it stays. I’ve decided to be happy with it! I still eat treats, get enough rest and am much happier.

On this topic, I just want to recommend a video someone else shared on Reddit yesterday - Stephanie buttermore on her journey to normalise her eating after competing as a bikini model
