Don't say you can't do it. 3 days out from my first show! [PROGRESS]

His replies, as well as mine are not motivated simply by your ignroace. If that were the case I would just move on, but you are and /@helenbarbara are being incredibly rude and judgemental while giving nothing contructive in return.

I have a friend who is training to compete in Bikini who often times looks to posts like this for motivation. She was planning on trying to do the same in the future. Today she saw these comments and was upset about it for several reasons and said she will never be sharing her progress because of it. Y'all are outright saying OP is unattractive, unhealthy, and is working her way to an eating disorder. Who the fuck would want to share their progress only to have their physical and mental health questioned by a bunch of uninformed bitches?

The things that you are saying here do not affect only yourselves and OP. Other people read this shit too, and that is why most of us come here to comment. Not to "white night" in hopes of getting some form of internet sex, and not because of your idiotic beliefs in and of the4mselves, but because of the fact that you are attempting to infect the minds of others with your dumbassery.
My post wasn't malicious in any way

You proceed to call her ugly in a very crude and malicious manner.

The thing about her weight that's scary too is that it's probably all muscle which weigh more than fat. Since BMI is based on an average person with average amounts of fat, I could conclude that without all that muscle to raise her weight up, she would be more underweight.

Wait... if she had less muscle she would weigh less! WOW! You should teach human physiology. You truly have a gift.

Also, what are you basing all of this off of? It seems like you're just making this up as you go along. You know absolutely nothing about her physical or mental health but can somehow make these judgements on the fly from a few pictures? You are such an amazing person for helping her out with your vast depth of knowledge on her life!

I think it's important to tell OP that she's taking it too far since no one else is willing to say so.

Please see in my previous comment about you tearing people down under the guise of "helping" them. Nothing you have said has been constructive.

Also, she is competing in a competition that requires her to be the weight and have low bodyfat! I've prepped for a show before and did the exact same thing. How can you not wrap your head around that! That's how the sport works! If you are on a mission to "help" others who wish to have low bodyfat, please take your proselytizing to /r/bodybuilding.

She is a couple of cheeseburgers and fries away from being in the "normal" weight range, and she is already planning on bulking immediately after the show to put on more muscle (which will bring fat along with it).

Personally, if I looked that thin

I somehow don't think we have to worry about that
@helenbarbara I agree with you. I'm surprised that so many people are praising this. She's not muscular, just very bony. When you are lifting that heavy and working that hard, you should not be eating at a deficit for so long to the point where you are losing weight non stop. This is very extreme

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