Europe & Asia Day Semi-final Weekend Discussion Thread

@markymatt Not sure I see how she's a good ambassador for the sport. She's erratic and unfocused, squandering a lot of talent.

I know (and never understood why) she's a favourite among a lot of viewers, but I'd hate for my daughters to hold Sara as one of their heroes just because she had a good run whilst the female field wasn't that competitive.
@labryan She said in a documentary she was overweight and out of shape as a kid and didn’t really come from an athletic background so if she could do it anyone could. I appreciated that since a lot of the athletes were very competitive already in other areas. I saw that as part of being a good ambassador for the sport. Things have changed of course
@lwalton12 Look. I'm not saying you have to dislike her or not empathasize with her.

I just don't think someone who quite obviously isn't able to commit to anything for more than half a season, with constant public erratic behaviour and immaturity written all over her is someone one should strive to be like.

I put my bar of who we should look up to quite high. I don't think soccer, the biggest sport in the world by a mile, produces a lot of heroes anymore for an example.

But CrossFit has brought a lot of extremely kind and hard working people to the fore front. I don't get why one would pick Sara (or either of the Brooks, just to name other examples - but for different reasons) to idolize over a field of Annie, Katrin, Briggs or Ekinwale just to name a few from various periods of time in CrossFit.

We're basically spoiled by good dudes and good gals with mindset lessons to teach us all, in this sport. No reason to idolize the entire field of athletes.
@labryan I agree with you, as I said things have changed. I think in ‘15 and ‘16 she didn’t seem as erratic or uncommitted, instead people saw her as the future of the sport and idolized her then. It’s sad to see someone who had so much expectation not live up to it and I think a lot of people still hold on to the hope she’ll make it back there.
She’s not my top idol, Katrin and Annie are far higher on my list but I still have this nostalgia about watching the old her and thinking my out of shape self could do that one day. Lol