Every Push-Up Progression. THE Push Up Index

@button I may be wrong, but the knee pike pushup and toe tap pushup videos appear to be the same exercise (both toe tap pushups?).

Looks like a great resource though, I look forward to using it!
@button Bro thank you so much for this! I really appreciate you for spending time to make a whole detailed, visually-appealing chart for anyone who wants it. I found so many new push up variations on it. Before I saw this I thought of the basic push ups, one-armed push-up, and clap push-up. Now I noticed that there are over 100 variations I had no idea existed. Finding the magic push up on this list gave me a new goal that's barely past my most impressive variation, the one-armed push up, in difficulty. Some of the later ones made me think "holy shit! How is that even possible!?" Thanks again for this. Great information like this is the reason I waste time with my ass on a computer for so long.
@button I found GOLD, dude I appreciate all the freaking hardwork you put into making the video and the sheet. Please do more exercises if you can. A big thanks!! Now that I finally got a proper progression video, imma fire up

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