I’ve done 100 push-ups every day for 2023 - here’s my progress! (Feel free to join in for the year 2024)

@nayt70 Sounds fun. I've recently started training push-ups specifically, and I've realized that I really suck at them and I have a weak core from being sedentary for the last 5 years. Also, I'm not sure if my height makes push-ups harder than they should be. For reference I'm 6'5, 190. After about a month, my max is about 10-12 pushups in a set.
@nayt70 How about maxing on your knees for a month and getting up closer to 100, with maybe an alternate in between for cardio/endurance, then alternating knees/feet, until all feet, etc? My trainer had me doing high reps at a lower weight with another muscle group in between sets, and it totally boosted my higher weight routine. Anyone else have this experience?
@nayt70 Consider adding to the pushups: walking lunges and table rows (facing the ceiling) and doing it everyother day instead of everyday.

And the empty days you go for a jog/walk/jog with your goal being accumulating 150-300 minutes a week of moderate intensity cardio.