I’ve done 100 push-ups every day for 2023 - here’s my progress! (Feel free to join in for the year 2024)

@nayt70 This makes so much more sense now. For your weight that’s definitely good. No doubt in my mind if you slimmed to like 85kg? You could do 60.
@nayt70 I've been doing this as well. I gotta say I am at the beginning but I have a similar approach.. I try to do sets of 10 but set 5 as my minimum since it should totally be doable for a set. Good job, you doubled your starting numbers!
@nayt70 I'm doing something that's probably kind of dumb which is Nx5 pushups per day, where N increases by 1 every 4 days. Currently on something like day 40 and up to 22 pushups per set. My goal is to eventually get up to 100 pushups per set. Is this unreasonable? Am I crazy? Seems to be working so far but maybe I'm doomed to failure down the line. If so, somebody talk some sense into me.
@redwhd The 100 per set just seems like an aweful lot, especially if you plan to do it a number of times per week. I guess it depends on your goals, but generally, a more difficult variation at lower reps is effective from a strength and hypertrophy 6 reducing that particular injury risk. Shoulders can be problematic.
@jermcoles Yeah, I'm gonna keep doing it I think. Seems to be working well for me so far. Maybe I'll rethink it if it stops though. Anyway, thanks for the encouragement.
@nayt70 I also did this 2 years ago too currently trying to do 200 push-ups a day with my daily 100 squats plus my workout during the week aswell too
@nayt70 Great job man not easy to stick to a daily regiment like that hats off to you. I have a similar plan for 2024 but I’m gonna try to do 100 navy seals everyday with varied push ups. Thank you for the motivation.
@heavenslight Weird childrens book in sweden about poop, I'd argue that a majority of swedes has come across it in their younger years (depending of age ofc, it released in 2003). I don't know how common it is to "read" it in todays younger generation.
@nayt70 You could do a novel approach to progressive overload by intentionally putting on weight. If done intelligently, you'd probably bulk up