Every Push-Up Progression. THE Push Up Index

@dawn16 Oof! My lats are trembling just thinking about it! Definitely should be a tad easier since there are fewer progressions. I've also almost got the One arm Pull up so I could demonstrate a fair amount, so seems like a fair possibility!
@button I plan on doing the freestanding one on push-up by the timeline 30 or younger than that right now I’m 12 so I have a long ways to go
@button I’ve made plans to get in better shape this next year and this post came at the perfect time! I look forward to utilizing it! Thanks for all your hard work putting it together.
@button This is truly inspirational.

Now I want to do push-ups, make videos, and just generally find something to share my enthusiasm about!

Organizing it by difficulty was a stroke of genius, and setting up the transitions to show what makes each one unique made it interesting to watch.
@button Learned a lot of stuff watching this video and I realized that I'm still a beginner after all based on the pushups I normally do😅 But I really appreciate your time and effort into compiling and putting out this video together for all of us out here. Thank you masta👍

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