Feeling like I don't look like I workout


New member
Does anyone else feeling like this?! I started going to the gym in 2016 and have been going fairly consistently since then. Because of corona there was obviously a couple months where I wasn't going but I was still doing home workouts. I've been back in the gym for 2 months now and I go 6x a week for about 1.5hrs (I'm running nuns w/accessories). I eat 2200cals a day and hit at least 100g protein. My stats are:

5'10, 165lbs, 25y/o

Bench: 120lbsx2

Squat 185x2

OHP 95x1

I know I can't be the only one who feels like this!
@hendricks62 My guess, it's probably eating 2200 cals a day. At 5'10" 165lbs, maybe you're eating too much. I went up to 205lbs during quarantine till the gyms opened here in Jersey. After 3 months and dieting to 1500 - 1600 cals/day or less (most days, only human after all), I got down to 175lbs and clearly look like I go to the gym. And I'm also 5'10". The 100g protein per day is good for lifting, but with the 2200 cals/day, could also be the quality of the food that comprises that 2200.

Being cut and vascular looking has almost as much to do with your nutrition as it does with your exercise regimen.
@hendricks62 I have been lifting for 3ish years now and I don't feel like I look like I work out either. Though I know I don't push myself with progressive overload as much as I should. However I have had people tell me "your arms look really toned" and "you are more muscular than me", so I guess some can tell! Also I bet my body would look really different if I never worked out. Anyway I KNOW I am so much than what I was when I first started..so there's that!!
@hendricks62 Just keep progressing and lifting heavier maybe try eating more to help facilitate more muscle growth. I wouldn’t worry too much about it though I’m a college athlete and nobody can tell while I’m wearing clothes so it’s whatever
@hendricks62 Haha one of my clients ran into this the other day. One of her friends was like "y'know, I bet lifting weights would really change your physique..." she can easily bench 95 lbs and deadlift over 200... we had a little laugh because little did her friend know!
@hendricks62 For all the talk about women being bulky I find that the vast majority of women don't look like they work out, especially compared to the way men do. Look at the workout routine for any of the women in a superhero/action movie. It's going to be pretty similar to their male costars. And yet they mostly look like the epitome of "toned" if there's any muscular definition at all. Even female athletes just kind of look more solid than jacked when they're just walking around looking casual. And none of this is talking down about any of these amazing women who are doing incredible physical feats, moreso just me expressing my disappointment about my own limiting genetics that even if I do everything to get to my full potential, I might get to the point that my SO notices that my quads are developed.

Awesome stats by the way. I'm cowering in awe at your OHP.

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