Busy Dad, tired of feeling like shit. Asking for advice

@tomaszpl Glad you’ve made the decision to look after yourself better. Usually that’s the hardest part.

Simply going for a walk is actually pretty good exercise. For more intense cardio there are some good HIIT apps that require max 7mins and no gym equipment. Definitely worth a try.

Also with regards diet, cut out processed foods and sugars and the weight will melt off. The big bonus to this is that you can eat and snack, just eat and snack the right foods.

Good luck!
@tomaszpl hi busy dad. ok so you found a probelm. and you know what the solution is in reality. you dont have time to go to the gym and cant afford a membership. get a set of dumbells to do many excercises, do cardio AND at least 2 muscle groups every day, download something like fat secret(crappy name) to track your food and most importantly your macros. you say you do jumping jacks whils waiting for coffee, thats great, but in the grand scheme of things, you know its not enough.

my biggest problem for myself was lying to myself. dont fall victim to it. only ever eat sitting down and slow down when you eat, appreciate the food (this is a mental trick to make sure you know you have eaten, if you eat standing and just smash a cake down your pie hole (mouth) your brain will forget it super fast.
also, dont reward yourself with a mars bar or whatever for doing 100 push ups or a donut for doing a 2k run or whatever, rewarding yourself for a situation you got yourself into with food is straight out stupid. set a realistic goal, do 1hr cardio and 2muscle groups with about 3sets of 10reps and 3 different excercises per group, and do one day cardio and group, the next day 1h30 cardio, the next day cardio and group then repeat the next 3days from the beginning and rest on the 7th day.
get some 2nd hand equipment and go crazy!
@tomaszpl I enjoyed TRX for a while, and then switched to kettlebells. Am using the 30 minute Simple & Sinister program 4-5 nights a week. Hard to keep a rhythm when our toddler goes through a sporadic week or two of waking at night, but I really enjoy it and it carries me between the times I can’t run and bike more.