Fitness Goals for 2024

@hallartistry I want to be able to do an unassisted chinup/ pull up (I know the difference), and actual push ups. I shouldn't be too far off on those. They are somehow a true test of strength for me. I'm 5'11" 170 lb pretty lean F and can bench 110 easy now, and just switched from lat pull downs at 110lbs to very slow assisted negatives on the pull ups. Been doing PPL 6x a week for a while now.
@hallartistry Get over 1 million metres into my concept2 logbook (row/Bikeerg).

Squat 150kg 5x5

Bench 80kg 5x5

Be able to do 3x10 pull-ups and dips with weight attached.

Increase my golf driver swing speed to 120mph.
  1. Dunk a basketball.
  2. Run a 10K Spartan Super, finish in top 25%
  3. Run a 5K Spartsn under 55mins.
  4. 11-12% Bodyfat
  5. 8K steps per day.
  6. Increase my flexibility (no metrics)
@hallartistry I’m recovering from an Axillary nerve pinch. My right tricep and delt almost completely atrophied. Before the nerve pinch I had worked myself up to 4x6 225 on the bench. Now I can barely bench 95lbs because of the strength loss. My goal is to get 80% back to where I was.
@hallartistry I've been maintaining a 2x week cardio for a few months and noticed lots of positive changes after a few years of no exercise (and little sleep) with toddlers.

Next is to add one day a week of weights to slowly build routine and rebuild weightroom habits after decades away. Physiology changes won't come until I'm there at least a second day per week, but I'm old and this gives my body a chance to adjust before I start making more changes.

2x cardio and 1x weights without major injury, then swap a cardio for weights and do 2x weights and 1x cardio. It might be 2025 before I add a second cardio day, but that's something that will just accelerate the improvements in my conditioning.
@hallartistry Unfuck my diet and lifestyle.

Deadlift 6 plates (currently around 520 or 530 ish)

Squat 500 pounds (have hit 495 before, but my current life situation is fucking my totals)

Bench 3 plates (ya, poverty bench crew checking in, the aforementioned life shit isnt helping)

Maintain body weight around 180 pounds, cut some fat, pack on muscle. Honestly contemplating moving up to 93kg class, but, I don't want to buy new clothes, haha.

Bonus: help my wife lose the 50ish pounds of post baby/depression weight she gained. This is a goal she has asked me to help her obtain. Get her into her first powerlifting meet, and train her to win.
@hallartistry Just get better. This year has been pretty shit for me, really fell off the wagon. Have started running 3x a week. Want to get to atleast 21kms per week. Also want to start lifting consistently again. That's it. Find some consistency and routine. The rest will come.
@hallartistry Mine are:
  1. reach my weigh loss goal of 220lbs (half way there!)
  2. Run my first half marathon (scheduled for March)
  3. Improve on my 1 Rep Max (170 bench, 245 squat, 260 deadlift) by 20%+
  4. hike 20+ miles on the Appalachian Trail, solo.
@hallartistry Squat 495.

1400 gym total.

Total 600+ in comp and take the masters I state record in my weight class. There isn't one currently so it's just a participation trophy, but that'd still mean a comp total PR.
@hallartistry 1) consistently run 2-3x a week

2) deadlift 515

3) Zercher squat 455

4) Zercher 405 from the floor

5) Zercher deadlift 315

6) get my nagging pec injury cleared up
@hallartistry I'm going to say consistent consistency, if that makes any sense.

And allowing myself some grace.

I'm turning 42(m) in January. 2 years ago I went from 235 to 195 in about 6 months going keto and working out in my basement. Was middle of covid so that kind of helped. But I was pretty strict with myself.

Fast forward to mid November and I got back up to 227 after tossing keto aside and really bailing on working out.

November 10th I started back up. Bought BODi for the year to get a commitment feeling (I always enjoyed the various programs) and hopped back on the keto train.

It's only been a month but I'm down about 10lbz and feel great with my fitness progress. Feel tighter, belt is tighter, not bloated and feel I'm starting to actually feel progress.

I want to continue down this path, committing to myself the grace to realize it's not a sprint, it's not even a marathon, it just is the journey forever now.

I may drink more beer than I should from time to time, but the next day isnt a throw away or next week because I'm disappointed in myself...its just a reminder to keep going with my journey.

I may be keto 95% of the time but if I eat some chips or have a burger and fries at some point, it's not all for lost. It's just a day and won't make me put on those 10 lbs overnight.

Get back into my daily journey.

All that to say that the time is going to pass anyways. There will be daily blips, maybe even a week at times but that's OK. I need to reaffirm that to myself moving forward. Life happens. Moderation is OK. You're still doing great by moving forward.

1 step forward, 2 steps back in a day is fine...because there's 31 days in a month and that math still means I moved 29 steps forward.