Fitness Goals for 2024

@hallartistry Strongman goals...

No injuries

Crack 800# deadlift, than 825#

OH press 405# barbell, 350+ log

Really get good at moving events, grip, awkward stuff

Regular stuff:

Improved conditioning and cardio

Stay leaner and lighter year round
  1. Get myself below 200lb
  2. Max out my adjustable dumbbells (52.5 lb per side) for suitcase squats and Romanian deadlifts
  3. Re-introduce a 1x per week yoga practice
  4. Bike at least 2x a week in spring/summer/fall and at least 2x a month (weather permitting) in winter
@hallartistry This year I've dropped about 20-25kg in body fat (not sure exactly as I didn't really record it properly at the start).

I'd like to get another 8 or so down.

Would like to put some muscle back on.

Beyond that, it's all good. Exact numbers aren't good for my mental health, so "look good and feel good" is basically what I want to achieve.
@hallartistry I want to get down to at least 10% body fat and then do my first ever bulk. I also want to reach a 315 deadlift. I think those are my only realistic goals at the moment.
@hallartistry Finish up my weight loss from the two years.
After my summer vacation 2022 The scale showed 146kg. And my goal was 115kg at the start of my next summer vacation. On my last day of work before this year's vacation I hit 114.9kg.
Right now I weigh 117.5kg and I'm aiming for 100kg this year.

I also aimed for 100 gym sessions this year and I'm about to hit 200. So next year 250 sessions maybe?
@hallartistry I’ve had a challenging year. Put on an extra 25lbs (190 to 215) which feels so unnatural to be this heavy. A few other things happened stemming from a deep bout of depression. Just want to feel healthy and alive again.
  1. Rehab rotator cuff tear to allow full ROM and no daily pain
  2. Rehab two sprained ankles with ATFL tears
  3. Improve flexibility, mobility and balance to feel confident in my stride.
  4. Drop the extra weight back down to 190lbs @ 18% BF.
Everything starts with the right mindset, discipline and focus. This community is my support system. Thank you all for your inspiring stories! Good luck in your 2024 goals and hope to see you all at the mountaintop.
  1. 200lb deadlift, 150lb squat, 125lb bench
  2. Run 5 miles with no stops
  3. 37 Vo2max - extenuating health stuff makes this one hard
  4. Try open water swimming at least 3 times
  5. Incorporate more stability work to morning stretching by end of Q2
@hallartistry Exercise and diet has been super solid for over two years. Just looking to keep up the hard work and stay on track. AB’s should be showing up more this year with my work so looking forward to more definition.
  1. Go to the gym 4 days a week (now i go 3-5 but i want to go 4-5)
  2. 10k steps daily average (one day can be 5k another day can be 13k as long as every week the daily average is 10k) -> already doing this so want to maintain this
  3. Hip Thrust 2.5x my body weight (currently at almost 2x body weight)
  4. Get rid of stubborn belly pouch (stomach is flat but the pouch is there >:/)
  5. Start either yoga, pilates or pole dancing (not stripper)
  6. Smaller waist + bigger glutes
  1. Maintain body fat below 14%, weight below 165
  2. Get to 7% body fat for tropical vacation in May
  3. Hit 225 bench (currently at 205 max) by EOY
  4. Hot yoga every other week
  5. Be active outside with my toddler son at least three times per week
@hallartistry My goals are have been 1/2/3/4 plates for the big four lifts. I actually hit 135x3 for ohp last session, and I’m at 205x3 on bench, 305x5 on squat, and 325x5 on DL. So, these are in sight, with the DL being the biggest stretch after a few form issues. On top of that, I want to be consistent, and once we move cities I want to look into a coach to learn some Olympic lifts.
@julien Thanks for that, that is encouraging! I have only tested my 1RM’s once, for the garage gym competition last month, so I hadnt really thought about what I could do a single for.