For those of you who don’t belong to a traditional box..

@trustlove147 Used to being to a "Crossfit adjacent" gym where the minions were gaga for the coaches, the coaches didn't know good form if it jumped up and bit them, and three out of five members had blown shoulders because they didn't kip right...
@trustlove147 I had been going to a CF gym for the last 8 years. With Covid I quit the gym and built out my garage. Easy and pretty cheap to make a lifting platform if you have the room. Highly recommend. Put a pipe between two trees for a pull-up bar, and I was basically set.

I did Street Parking for a while and liked it, but I wanted something more. Switched to CompTrain and really like it. It seems pretty well rounded, with a decent amount of volume. I like the fact that there is a leaderboard I can compare myself against. Makes it seem like I'm not doing it alone.

I hope this Open will be my best.
@trustlove147 Transitioned from a traditional box to a home gym a few months ago, the coach started offering online subscription based programming so he still programs everything.

Cost a bit upfront but I love the flexibility of training when I want / how many times a day I want

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