Free Weights + Calisthenics Hybrid Hypertrophy Program!


New member
I wrote out this program today and figured it might be helpful for people who want to combine both weightlifting and calisthenics! This program allows for a large amount of hypertrophy volume while also building in time for strength gains and calisthenics skill work as well.

First half of the week is the Arnold split, so all antagonist supersets with weightlifting exercises that give you a crazy pump. The second half of the week / weekend is old-school heavy power-lifts (5/3/1+ setup) and weighted calisthenics movements followed by calisthenics skill and hypertrophy work on gymnastic rings.

The muscle you build with the pump training during the week carries over to strength and skill PRs on the weekend – kinda similar to a classical periodization setup, but with every week having a hypertrophy and a strength phase leading to concurrent gains towards both goals.

Let me know your thoughts!

MONDAY - Chest, Back


Bench 4 x 8-12 Reverse Pyramid

Pull-Up 4 x 8-12 Superset (Weighted)


Incline DB Bench 4 x 10-15 Reverse Pyramid

Cable Row 4 x 10-15 Superset


Incline Flyes 4 x 10-17

DB Pullover 4 x 10-17


Core O Clock 1-2 x 5-7min Decline Crunch Dropset


    Rings - Chest Isolation, Abs

TUESDAY - Rest/Abs


WEDNESDAY - OHP, Shoulders, Arms


OHP 5 / 3 / 1+ Strength Pyramid

DB Lateral 4 x 10-15 Dropset (+20-25)


Weighted Tricep Dip 4 x 10-15 Dropset (+20-25)

Barbell Curl 4 x 8-12 Dropset


Incline Curl 4 x burnout Dropset

Tricep Rope 4 x burnout Dropset

Forearms 4 x 25-35 Wrist Curl —> Reverse Curl


Core O Clock 1-2 x 5-7min Decline Crunch Dropset


    Rings - Skills, Abs

THURSDAY - Deadlift, Legs, Neck, Traps


DEADLIFT 5 / 3 / 1+ Strength Pyramid

Volume Pull-Ups (optional) 50 reps As few sets as possible


Front Squat 4 x 8-12 Sub Leg Press / Sissy Squat

Calf Raises 4 x 15-20 Superset


Neck Curl 4 x 25-35 Superset

Neck Raise 4 x burnout Superset


Core O Clock 1-2 x 5-7min Decline Crunch Dropset

FRIDAY - Bench, OHP, Triceps

INCLINE BENCH 5 / 3 / 1+ Strength Pyramid

OHP 4 x 8-12 Reverse Pyramid

DB Lateral 4 x 10-25 Egyptian Superset


Bulgarian Dips 4 x 5-7 reps Rings Turned Out

Iron Cross 3 x MAX Isometric Band Assisted


Tiger Extension 3 x 10-15 SS Tricep Dips

Ring Fly 3 x 10-15 Isometric Forward Lean


Core O Clock 1-2 x 5-7min Ring Rollout, L Sit

SATURDAY - PULL, Back, Biceps

WEIGHTED CHIN-UP 5 / 3 / 1+ Strength Pyramid

Volume Chin-Ups 50 reps As few sets as possible

Cable Curl 4 x 10-25 AMRAP


One Arm Chinup 2-4 x 1-5 reps Band Assisted Max Effort

Front Lever 3 x MAX Isometric


Pelican Curl 3 x 8-12 Superset

Ring Curl 3 x 15-25


Core O Clock 1-2 x 5-7min Ring Rollout, L Sit