Is this dumb? Why can’t I enjoy my free gym options? Just get the expensive membership?

@skatergurl It would be expensive to do both but otherwise that wouldn’t be a bad idea. There’s only one Lifetime unfortunately!

I do best in group classes, especially if I’m paying for them. It’s just more motivating for me. If I’m on my own, I never have the motivation to work out. Unfortunately none of my friends are really into working out otherwise I would invite them to come use the apartment gym with me. I’ve tried making friends at the Pure Barre studio but you only get to talk to people briefly for a couple minutes either when they get there before class or afterwards and since I only go 4 times a month, it’s been hard to connect with people outside of classes.

However at Lifetime I could also go the yoga and other classes!! It looks like they have more of those before or after work! And the community events sound really nice! Yeah I’m going to ask my work if they know if we get discounts. I have heard of anyone mention it though. Unfortunately I don’t have a partner otherwise I would try to split it with someone!
@emmagrace Ya the social aspect is very nice! And I have heard about health insurance discounts as well!

I’ve done pure barre and other cycling studios and I feel like unless you’re there all the time it’s hard to meet people and Idk about your area but a lot of the ppl in those classes were mainly older ladies that I just didn’t vibe with because we are in different places in life.
@jay1969 Health is wealth.

Go for a gym that you feel is best suited for your needs and pay, IMO. I pay $200/mo to train at a barbell gym 4x a week with coaching included. Worth every penny.
@jay1969 I was in a similar situation to you, super unmotivated by my apartment gym, but I was scared I would get the expensive gym membership ($200 in my case) and never use it. So I told myself if I could work out 4x/week for the next month at my apartment gym, I could justify getting the membership.

By the end of the month I had a great routine going and decided I didn’t need the fancy gym anymore!
@wroughted I am gonna do this until I return from the holidays, I will be away from home so not able to utilize the apartment gym unfortunately but will be in a great position to mix in some app work outs and running/walking (mostly walking at this stage probably).

I think this thread really helped me so much because I realized a good “hack” that worked for me was guided workouts. I don’t use them when I go to an actual gym. But I used fitness blender at home in 2021, when I got really desperate from not exercising in 2020 and had another apartment gym that year (nicer that this one yet smaller). I did run to a real gym once i had the chance to though lol.

So I will I will dust off my old fitness blender workout I purchased and my Peloton app while I’m away. Will likely start today if I can log off by 6! If I can stick that out for the month, nothing crazy just consistent and a good mix, I will utilize the free week trial when I get back, and then take the dive when I’m back in town for good.
@jay1969 Not sure why you shudder at joining a CrossFit gym but it sounds like that would give you a lot of what you’re looking for. Weights, some high rep/ quick pace, and group classes where you just have to show up and the workout is planned for you. Anyone at any level of fitness can go to CrossFit and it might just change your life!
@jay1969 ‘So many things have changed’—trying to get back into it and feeling less fit, less capable, sucks. I’d try and dig into what’s going on with your thinking a little more, because it doesn’t really matter where you’re going or what you’re doing, we all know we can procrastinate and not bother whether it’s a free gym or a $100/week fancy health club.

I’d be inclined to start with a group thing like CrossFit because it’ll take the thinking out of it for you right now. It’s set session times, someone else is figuring out the workout, and that sense of being part of a group can help apply some external pressure to turn up while you’re still rediscovering your own motivation.

The nice thing is that the apartment gym is there for the days you just want to get a half hour on the bike or the tready or have a stretch.
@jay1969 It depends on your values, desires, and personality. Personally, I could never pay that much for a gym membership. However, some people need to pay money to have the motivation to workout. You really just need to sit down and be honest with yourself about what would work best for you.
@jay1969 FWIW when I first started to work out I used free workouts to get I to the habit. A daily walk, a quick at home workout I found online, something like that. When I was able to consistently workout for a month, I joined an expensive gym in my area.

I wanted to make sure I didn't waste my money. The nice gym had the amenities to make me want to go more. People saw it as a waste of money because as long as they had a treadmill, a bench, and some weights they were fine. Which is cool for them, but wasn't what I needed in that point of time.

The childcare, the nice facilities, the amount of class offerings. I got into a rhythm there, found what I liked and then I started to be that regular that comes in the same time every day.

Whatever helps you become consistent is the best answer!
@jay1969 I’m a gym snob. A place that is dirty, has old/outdated equipment, or is crowded is just not a place I want to be.

I will either workout from home or a nice gym. Before I moved, I belonged to a brand new Equinox and loved it. Great class options, it’s never too crowded, great equipment, it’s extremely clean, nice locker rooms, etc etc etc. The Equinox near me now isn’t nearly as nice or convenient- so I’m looking at other options…

If you can afford it and it will (like it would for me) actually motivate you to go - I would join! You’re investing in your health, happiness and yourself.

One hack to try a gym after the tour/free workout they’ll give you (note: call in advance to confirm - but I think you can actually workout after your tour to try it out) - make a spa appointment: Anything from an eyebrow, facial or massage. You get free access to the gym before/after your appointment (confirm yours will do that - but the ones by me do).
@jay1969 Totally different idea: getting a subscription for fitnessblender (or similar). You could use your apartment gym for it and it feels (for me at least) like you are doing a group lesson. I work out with fitnessblender myself, so can only speak for that, but there is a lot of variety, from hiit to strength to pilates and yoga and everything in between. ;-)

I’m not sure if this would fit you, so I’d recommend either trying their free workouts first or get a FB plus pass, where you can try everything they have to offer for a few weeks. I have a yearly subscription myself, it is very affordable and I recommend.
@jacqueline52 Oh yeah especially since the apartment gym is usually empty.
Funny story, I used to work out at the free rec center fitness center and was following a video, fitness room was empty. Started doing burpees and apparently my huffing and puffing and grunting was so loud that the front desk guy came to check on me!
@jay1969 Just my biased opinion:

I walk to a crossfit gym 20 minutes away. I love it. When I had access to a free gym from work, I had a hard time being consistent because I'd do some random cardio, get bored, dick around and go home. Then when I signed up for a better gym near my house, I still found myself procrastinating all day because I never really had a clear goal in mind and I didn't have anything I "wanted" to do at the gym once I got there.

Crossfit (or by extension, group fitness classes) has been a lifesaver for me because it gets rid of all the decision making. Once I sign up for a class, all I need to do is show up on time and then I get to turn my brain off and just do what the coach says (so it got rid of the procrastination, too). I'm much more consistent (6 times a week), and "outsourcing" my motivation allows me to work harder than I would on my own. Plus, the walk back and forth from the gym is a nice bonus warmup/cooldown.
@jay1969 Sounds like you need to work on being consistent with gym going or whatever exercise regimen you want to do.

In today’s world, I would never pay $250/month for a gym membership…and I can afford it. I’d opt for the free apt gym. But you gotta do you. If paying $250 will get you in a place consistently, then so be it.
@pamcaid Yeah I think I need ot figure out how to work out at home/in the apartment gym, I think my mistake was thinking I can just do a home workout that’s a free weight/no-squat rack version of my previous workouts, and keeping it self guided. That’s what I like to do at the gym, but doesn’t seem like it suits me at home.

When I worked out at home during covid my routine was pretty different and I used fitness blender. It took me about a year until I got there though.

Can I ask what do you do at your home/apt gym?
@jay1969 I go to a commercial gym. I rent my housing currently and want to workout with barbells, dumbbells, cables, and other machines. So I need to go to a gym. Thankfully there is one close to me that has the equipment I want for $15/month.

I would prioritize convenient location, equipment selection, class selection if you want classes, and price when searching for a gym.
@jay1969 It depends on your financial situation but 250 Dollar sounds like way too much. If that is easy cash to burn, then sure: join the fancy gym :)

One point I would like to throw in: is it on the way to work?

I choose a gym half way between work and home, for me it´s much easier to go to the gym right after work and I noticed it´s much easier for me that way compared to leaving from home. But it is very accessible with a bus and tram connection.

I won´t complain about my 35 Euro gym though... I thought it was already pricey :D
@jay1969 Do the one that you’re most interested in attending. You already know that choosing the most economical option isn’t something that you’re going to stick with, so choose the one that you think is the best fit for what you’re interested in.

Personally my choice is to commute to equinox, it is a couple blocks from my office, but I still go on days that I don’t work. I like having the option to do an independent workout when I’m in the mood for it, but I mainly do group fitness and having a variety of class types to choose from is what originally made me choose that over other gyms or studios in my area.

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