from 8 pull ups to 20 and also from 10 dips to 35 in 6 weeks

@thulaniscool I don't know if the program works with negative.

try this exercice it is good for your back and biceps : inverted row ( australian pull ups )

and keep doing the negative pull ups and you'll be able to do your first pull up.
@dolor It can, it has the disadvantage of helping you mostly in the bottom part of the pull up, where the tension on the band is highest but the demand on the muscles lowest. So you will either struggle with the top part or breeze through the bottom part, depending on your band. You can still do them, the main part if you are unable to do even one is to do as much work as you can without exerting yourself in a go. For building pulling strength also try bodyweight rows, negatives, attach your band on your pu bar and pull that down, and if you have access to machines do lat pull downs.
@pittsburgh14 I did something similar when I first started exercising as the 100 pushups you’ve linked to. I forced myself to do 100 pushups, chin-ups, and Bodyweight squats during a workout. Did not matter how many sets it took me to complete it but I forced myself to reach 100. After about a month and a half I was banging out 10x10 chin ups with 60sec rest in between and 30,30,20,10 pushups with 60sec rest. Squats were easy. It’s good to set yourself goals and to push yourself. Nice progress.
@sarah1977 i'm not doing the push ups at the same time of dips and pull ups I don't mix them because the push ups sets i'm actually doing are hard so i'm not able to continue any training after push ups.
@shag Hello sorry to be late i was at school.

the program depend on how many push ups you can do , there are 6 weeks with differents level

For exemple I started on the level 3 because i was able to do 20 push ups

here the link for the first week :

if you scroll down you can see the 3 days and the sets are in 3 column ( on the left column it's the level 1=

How I envy you in terms of exercise and progress. Being 6'1 with long limbs and weighing ~85kg has made things difficult at times in terms of pull ups. I've made good progress with all my exercises, especially pull ups, but it's taken a hell of a lot longer than I wanted it to. Good work, keep it up man!