@nbj486 Nurse here. You've got two sets of genes from both parents. They won't be identical. Also many genes work together to control the same complex mechanism and aren't expressed equally.
You have genes that literally aren't expressed at all unless the environment dictates it.
Your environment is constantly turning genes on and off.
There is genetic potentials. And this is absolutely undebtable. They vary.
BUT... big but... literally and I mean literally nobody has the right here to bitch about genetics because unless your min maxing your entire life around training and your goals. And it's literally your job. As in you don't work.
Then you aren't minimizing every negative variable and maximizing every positive.
Unless you have millions of dollars to sit on your ass and 100% maximize your diet training rest recovery sleep and stress you aren't even close to your genetic potential.
You could be a fat lazy fuck and you got those genes from your dad. But your mom's a boss and lean and ripped. If you started working out hard environment would dictate that more genes from your mom's side activate and more from your dad deactivate.
Also there's genes from both sides that are just on when your sedentary and lazy. And genes that are only on when your maximizing your training.
There's a range and variability in that range for where you can be genetically. But not everyone's range is the same.
People treat genetics like there's no range it just is exactly what it is. But there's a diverse and complex range with everything in your body as to where you can be and the environment dictates where you'll fall in your range.
But it's literally impossible to minmax your range and hit genetic potential unless training dieting sleep and stress management IS your only job. Literally doing anything else is taking away from something. Your sleep. Deeply relaxing enough to minimize stress. Your ability to consistently nail macros and calories because work sucks. Etc
So yes and no dude. Not everyone's range will hit IFBB pro Mr Olympia level. But 99% of peoples range does include being jacked and ripped enough to look like a competitive bodybuilder even if it's only entry level and local shows.
The other half of the problem is atleast 50% but honestly probably alot more. Of everyone bitching about genetics being everything. Wouldn't even know how to minmax everything. Perfect diet perfect and CONSISTENT training perfect sleep perfect relaxation for cortisol management even if it was their only job and they had millions to fund this lifestyle.
Thats mostly exactly why they blame genetics. Because they don't know what they are doing. Even if they think they do.
So really that number probably is closer to 80% of people.
This is why people hire elite trainers to prep for shows. To be much more objective in observing your body and movements (were our own worst enemy and can't objectively measure our progress with a mirror alone) and because they've seen through experience with hundreds of clients what does consistently work and most importantly how to adapt to cover your weaknesses and point out what your not seeing.
Genetics dictate performance primarily at the elite 1% level for almost any competitive activity mental or physical. Because at that level those guys are at or very close to perfectly maximizing their range for potential so it ends up coming down to who's genetic range of possibilities has higher potential.
That means 99% of everyone else including everyone here has no right to be bitching about genetics. You're honestly doing something wrong. Or could be doing better in general.
Nobody here has minmaxed their genetic potential.
Genetics determine the range of possibilities and environment dictates where you fall in your range not everyone's range is the same. It only comes down to the higher or better range when everyone competing has minmaxed their range. Meaning your elite 1%
Literally means most of the men in this reddit COULD achieve a 700 pound deadlift if it was their primary focus and they did everything right regardless of how many of you have convinced yourself thats impossible. That's not elite genetics. 1000 pound deadlift is elite genetics.
Muscle insertions are genetic but you can still grow those motherfuckers and look like a roided freak if you min maxed your potential.
Genetics is the lazy way to say I can't do it. I'm not putting that level of effort into it.
If you want it badly enough you will fight for it. This does require a minimum level of intelligence to learn how to fight for it correctly and perfect the environmental variables mentioned. And if your intelligence isn't that high then to be minimally high enough to hire someone or talk to someone who is.
Ironically though the dumber someone is the more likely they are to report themselves as being highly intelligent. And the smarter someone is, the more likely they are to underreport their intelligence.
And multiple studies have shown this.
Means there's a chunk of people here dumb as shit who think their very smart who think their training and diet is great and they're in the gym ego lifting destroying the longevity of their tendons and ligaments.
Also the same people who are blaming genetics for not achieving their goals when they don't know a God damn thing about genetics and how genes work. Couldn't even tell you how many chromosomes a human has and the different one between males and females.
Gonna talk about genetics and literally have zero knowledge of medical science. Don't know jack shit about anatomy and physiology. Failed basic ass biology in high-school. Why? Because they follow and learn from trendy tiktok bros who are probably on gear and bullshiting you about it.
Down vote me for speaking the truth and triggering half of this subreddit. If you have tendonitis or pain in your joints. That's not genetics. There may be a genetic predisposition for that. But that's you creating a mechanical and metabolic problem from overtraining shit diet and not recovering properly. If you have these problems it's most likely you caused them by not training intelligently balancing volume and intensity, utilizing periodization to peak and then have a lower intensity recovery point. Not eating correctly to maximize your recovery not sleeping enough, training through the pain when it first happened, abusing stimulants.
Very few people actually are born with fucked up skeletal or joint structure or have legitimate genetic disorders affecting tendons.
If you actually were born with these problems then your not the majority this doesn't apply to you. NO a medical diagnosis of tendonosis does not count. That's not a genetic condition that's a chronic abuse condition without properly healing through multiple episodes of tendonitis that you kept triggering.
This is whole post is a more accurate insight into genetics than what most people here have.
Most people who think they've hit their genetic potential just don't know what they're doing. Or what to do next from that point.
Very few people honestly ever hit their genetic potential within their genetic range of possible gene expressions. And most of those guys are competing at some elite level in various ways. Be it strongman powerlifting bodybuilding, athletic sports etc.