Genetics aren’t what you think they are

@nbj486 So Bol Bol and his dad Manute Bol can get super jack like Shaq in his prime if they worked out long enough? lol... This is as about dumb as people who think creatine supplement is "natural" because it is found in food. The shiit is synthetically made AND it would take eating 12 pounds of steak to get that loading dose. Nothing "natural" about that. Look testosterone is found naturally in the body, but getting those extra injections means you are putting yourself at an advantage. Even excess caffeine to speed up and burn fat is no natural. People really need to learn to be transparent about what EVERYTHING it takes instead of just displaying their results and only attributing them to their time at the gym.
@mrmcguire Idk who you’re arguing with but I never said any of that. I’m not arguing everyone is going to become Arnold. I’m saying anyone can develop an impressive physique with enough time and effort.
@nbj486 That's like saying everyone can get a 4.0 GPA if they study hard enough or everyone can be a professional basketball player if they practice everyday or anyone can be a track star if they train with enough time and effort. The truth is NOPE, NOPE, and NOPE. By the way, I work in sports injury and rehab and have 2 graduate degrees in this field including kinesiology and sports management. Body building is one of the most, if not the most dirtiest "sports," I know with the least transparency. ACTN3 is just one of them. Testosterone levels in people are the decline of it and when and at what rate is based on genetics. Low T is genetic. So how can anyone just claim everyone has the same chance when it comes to muscle growth, strength, and body building? Plus anyone notice how Brazilian females are just blessed with big glutes and skinny waists, but Asian females are typically flat? Hmmm... not genetics? Geez.
@nbj486 This is what you wrote. "Not only is this view harmful, it is scientifically inaccurate."

Now show me the scientific study or scientific evidence that GENETICS "does not play" a role in our body phenotypes. Seriously, show me the study. If you can't, you are just basically expressing your opinion without any evidence. Shit, there are literally tons of people who don't even work out and have better physiques than those who do.
Reminding everyone that I never once said genetics don’t matter. I am pushing back on the reductive notion that genetics are as simple as “good” vs “bad”.l and that genes determine everything. I think other people (who were disagreeing) proved my point, there are a lot of genes at play, even then gene expression is modified by environmental factors like training. Genes are but one part of your physique. Genes are not preventing you from looking good.
@nbj486 Yeah cuz what are you gonna do if you have “bad genetics” not work out? Hell no you just keep lifting bc its your body and you’re gonna put some more muscle on it
@nbj486 Nice motivation, but inaccurate. Genetics is massively important, and many people will never have a bodybuilder look naturally even if they do everything right. Studies show some people don't even respond to resistance training. Survivorship bias is huge in bodybuilding.
To everyone saying that I’m wrong because without amazing genetics you won’t be a pro bodybuilder literally read what I wrote. I doubt a majority of people on this sub actually have any ambition of competing at the highest levels. Most of us just want to look good with a shirt off!
@nbj486 Completely agree. Also it's hilarious how almost every professional bodybuilder attributes so much to genetics. "It's just genetics and consistency bro" - no, it's not. It's just the average person is not willing to inject a liter of tren into themselves every week

Height is the only thing greatly impacted by genetics, everything else for the most part will be roughly equal for all humans and even mammals. Take 2 random silverback gorillas, give them the same diet and routine and they'll look identical. There is no case where one has 4x the muscle mass because "genetics bro"
@nbj486 A big factor is what your base is. Did you lift in high school, college, twenties. If you start out as a bag of milk in your thirties, yes hide behind genetics. You have no base and you may be able to catch up but it won’t be easy. That said you can get In shape but have realistic goals
@nbj486 I have never subscribed to genetics that much in the context of building muscle. It does matter probably for professionals because of their insertions. Recently, I actually have been wondering if I have bad hip genetics or is this is just fat? There seems to be a divet where my hips flare before tapering back in before coming back out for lats.I know I have a larger waist; my gym friend let me try his small SBD belt and it couldn’t fit, and the large SBD fits on the largest setting. Will that go away on a cut or am I doomed to that weird flare out shape?
@nbj486 When most prone tell about genetics, whether they're meaning to or not, they're referring to test count, and it absolutely makes a huge difference. Someone with 800 test naturally is going to have a much easier time than someone at 200. So yes, genetics play a huge role, but that's mainly test levels.
@nbj486 Nah. Trash post. Average genetics is what most people have but they still are the most important factor when it comes to an aesthetic physique.

Look at Tristyn Lee. No hate for the kid but he has the worst genetics I've ever seen and there's nothing he can do about it.