Gym once a week


New member
Hey, it's me again. I'm planning on doing walk in sa gym once a week starting next month. Di ko pa kasi afford for now mag membership until I get my raise soon. So for now I'm thinking of going once a week, and the rest workout sa bahay. I'm starting to plan out the exercises I would be focusing in the gym, and would like get an input sa mga gymbros or mga experienced peeps as a first timer.

For now, my home workout goes as follows (not in order):
  1. Biceps curl ups (13 reps x 5 sets) 6kg dumbells
  2. Alternating curl ups (13 reps x 5 sets) 6kg dumbells
  3. Close grip press (13 reps x 3 sets) 6kg dumbells
  4. Pushups (10 reps x 6 sets)
  5. Squats (10 reps x 3 sets) 12kg weights
  6. Dips (10 reps x 3 sets)
  7. Pullups (5 reps)
  8. Burpees (10 reps)
I do these every other day, 3 times a week before I go to sleep (only free time for me is when I get home after work haha). After a couple days of researching, consensus of what I've researched so far is to focus on full body workouts to maximize efficiency. So my question is what exercises should I focus on as a beginner? I was thinking of doing the same exercises din, pero am not really sure if it's worth going to the gym just for that haha. I'm still really new to this (3 months in) so any input will be appreciated.
@suezq3 I see your situation isn't optimal right now but assuming you can progressively load more weight for your home workout, your best bet would be to target the things you are unable to target with your current home workout and it's always safer and easier to use a machine in the gym so that's all I'm recommending:

1. Hamstrings - seated leg curls
2. Mid back - wide grip machine rows
3. Low back - smith machine rack pulls
4. Bicep long head - preacher curls
5. Side delts - cable lateral raises tutorial(but no need for cuffs)
6. Rear delts - cable face pulls
7. Calves - calf raise machine

  1. Switch the alternating curls on your home work out to alternating hammer curls to also target the brachialis and forearms.
  2. Either add dumbbell shoulder press to your home workout or add it to the gym workout but use the machine shoulder press
It really is just mostly a pull workout with some legs because you really can't do those effectively at home.

You can just walk with your tippy toes everytime for calves hihi

Good luck and go get that promotion :)
@lovecraftfan Very much appreciated! I've done my research but was unsure on which specific exercises I would go for as a beginner. I can't thank you enough for this!