Gym Size and Strength 5x per week Program


New member
Hello, I just finished week one of my program (also tried Week 7 of the program and it was very fun for me since high volume and intensity) and really loved it and thought i should share, here it is:

Every week you have done, please rate it out of 10 and hope you enjoy this program.

Program Explained:

Week 1-6 aka Block 1: High Volume w/ a decent amount of intensity

Week 7-12 aka Block 2: High Volume w/ more intensity

Week 13: It is like Block 1 but with more intensity including heavy singles and more intensity techniques.

Week 14 (1RM Test or you can do a deload aka Week 15 and then do the 1RM Test): Assuming you choose the 1RM Test, it is a very low volume but with a very high intensity since you are testing your 1 rep maxes using an AMRAP test and don't forget to always be safe and always use a spotter during the test but if you choose the deload week, just don't go to failure or very hard but still go hard.

Week 15 (1RM if you choose deload or Deload Week): If you choose to do a deload a week before, you can now do the 1RM Test but always be safe and always use a spotter during the test, but if you did not deload in Week 14, just do the deload week and you can re-run the program or do a different program

Week 16 (only if you deload on week 14) : Just finish the Deload Week and you can re-run the program or do a different program

Note: This is not a beginner's program, this is for early intermediate lifters whose lifts are beginning to stall a little and/maybe to advanced lifters

Thank you for reading this post and hope you enjoy the program

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