Gymnastics Add-On Programs: HSPU, HSW, C2B, MU

@chloejm very cool! Only thing from that list that still eludes me are the hand stand walks. I feel like it’s mostly a mental thing and I can shuffle towards a wall if I know my feet will eventually touch but freestanding? Nope not even a bit
@ralphdavewestfall Tie a green pullup band around a rig, like going across it horizontally, looped on two J-hooks works. Kick up to the band, then work up to shuffling to the band as if it were the wall.

Alternatively, start in pike position on a box, then kick up to your handstand walk.

The first addresses fear of falling forward and into something as you walk. The second helps with fear during that initial kick up.

Hope these help!
@chloejm Thank you gonna do the hand stand pushup one. For some reason I just can't get hand stand pushup endurance up. I might do the muscle up one as well once I see how my shoulders are feeling.
@jeager016 Not bad for day 1.

Finding the "tipping point" is tough and there's no way around failing a bunch of time in practicing to find it. The only other thing I'll add is that it looks like working on overhead mobility (mobile shoulders, t-spine, wrists) and building end range lock out in the elbows will help. ...that's really what the static hold accumulations are for.