How getting fit has changed your life

@acer621 This is exactly my goal! I just want to be able to throw myself into new activities and situations without worrying about whether I'll be "embarrassingly bad." This is something I see my friends who have always been athletically inclined do without second thought, but I've always been frail at best. I'm so happy for you!
@acer621 Wow, that’s all amazing. How long of consistently working out did it take you to get there? I’ve never been athletic per se, but I do enjoy my gym. I would love to finally feel comfortable being athletic in front of others
@misskayla That's honestly hard to say. It took a few years, definitely, and I was getting sober in the process and rebuilding my entire self of self esteem from the ground up.

I also had the benefit of having grown up in a sporty family, so some of this was a sense of 'rediscovering' my genetic / learned gifts in terms of athleticism.

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