How to keep motivated to workout daily when stuck in the 9-5 corporate cycle?

@theremnant I think it’s something I need to bring up with my SO. She works from home and is a light sleeper so me getting up early or coming home late isn’t ideal. Guess I need to sit down with her and lay it out that yes I care about our time together but I can’t bend over backward to fit her schedule
@abnerpublishing Yea that’s tough. In the end, you working out is for the benefit of you both. I also know lots of people that work out during lunch. That’s also tough the because of limited time and access to a gym.
@mikedelmar I don’t disagree. But just because you have someone you are checking in with, doesn’t mean you are doing it for them. You’re still doing it for yourself.

But studies do show you are considerably more likely to achieve your goals if you have someone you check in with.
@abnerpublishing If you struggle with consistency and tend to procrastinate when you have the day to yourself, exercising in the morning is the best remedy. When I transitioned to regular working hours, that was the first change I made and I stuck with it.
@abnerpublishing There's a podcast called the happiness lab. I highly recommend it. There's an episode about pleasure bundling or something like that. She talks about how studies show people stick with gym attendance if they see it as "me time". One way to reclassify it in your brain is to couple the gym with something else you enjoy. Maybe you like trashy novels. Make a rule where you can listen to as much trashy novels as you want, as long as you're at the gym.
@abnerpublishing ● I don't want to be weaker than a standard I set for myself

● I don't want to be another corporate dad bod

● I hate the sound of my parents telling me my future is me being fat. Big pet peeve of mine is predetermining your child's future. So fuck that.

● I do joy of actively playing a game with friends (mostly pickleball nowadays lol)

● I do like the feeling of feeling strong (lifting is my primary fitness)

● I do like looking good in my clothes

● I do like the dudebro compliments of being fit / jacked / etc. no matter how little they come

● I do like the calmness I have after a good workout

● I do like the way I can enjoy recovery / days off rather than it be just another day

Barring injruy - You usually never regret working out. You will regret not working out.

I'm pretty disciplined so I don't abide to forcing myself to go if I feel too beat up since I know I'm not going to quit.

I have a busier schedule now so it's a big priority for me to go on my scheduled days and when I can't I'll even use an hour PTO or so just to get it done on a different day.
@abnerpublishing 15-30 minutes regularly or even 3x a week is better than nothing. I’m showing a lot more definition in my muscles from that much after only 8 months.

I play soccer competitively at 45 and even 15 minutes on an elliptical 1-2x per week does wonders for my endurance. I can play for 70 minutes (out of 80).

Don’t discount hidden exercise. Like I walk to lunch so that’s about 20 minutes of walking. I’ll speed up, carry a backpack and that’s more of a workout.

If you are in an office building, sneak away from your desk for five minutes every hour and climb the stairwell or walk around the block. That’s thirty minutes of activity. Ask/get a standing desk. Bang out set so pushups, squats, lunges in the stairwell. If you have a meeting with a colleague, see if they’re open to a walk and talk.