I’m the crying girl

@whitehorse I cried last week. My husband had a stroke 9 months ago and it was just an emotional day. Most of the way through I was sobbing for the last 2 rounds. Like you said; cheaper than therapy.

Hang in there. It’s not so bad. lol.
@whitehorse As to being introverted: I can completely relate. When I was new, I would simply scale my reps so I would finish near the last group of people, instead of dead last.

Today, I finished last by maybe a minute or two. There was a 25:00 time cap and I finished at 23:09. But I am more confident in my abilities, and remembering a time I NEVER met the time cap, I was proud to finish last because I finished. (some scaled their reps and that's great for them!) It was a small class, everyone watched how hard I worked for those last two minutes, and then it was over and we all fist bumped and said see ya tomorrow.
@whitehorse Hey crier. I'm the puker. I'd happily trade roles with you and not be the person running out of the room to throw up. But at the same time, you are who you are and you're there to work out, people tend not to look any further than that
Wow THANK YOU GUYS! I came for some support and yall did not disappoint. I feel so much better. I really have found this CrossFit community to be so encouraging. I’m glad I decided to post. ❤️❤️❤️
@whitehorse I’ve cried at the gym 3 times.

1st time was because a coach went out of their way to be snarky to me and use me as an example of what not to do (it was in a super rude and mean girl way). I felt sad and embarrassed and mad that I was doing my best and it wasn’t good enough (it was about doing step ups, not even anything technical). I went to the bathroom and cried, then pulled myself together and left saying I felt sick.
That coach didn’t last much longer with her bad attitude.

2nd time was because I had a panic attack. I have PTSD and i was just having a hard day. Mid workout I just started having a bad panic attack. I just stopped my workout, walked over to my coach and explained what was happening. He sat down with me and made sure I was ok and I left early.

3rd time was after completing my first open last year. I was 2 months back after having my daughter and the workouts were particularly hard since I was basically starting over and had gained a lot of weight during pregnancy due to hormonal imbalances. I hugged the coach who had been working with me and cried.

Crying happens. As long as you don’t make it a major thing, no one else will see it as a major thing.
@whitehorse A set of padded neoprene shin sleeves will keep you from ruining your shins if you miss a jump, plus they’re great for preventing rope burns during climbs.

Don’t worry about the crying at all. Everyone is going through their own struggles at the box, guarantee other people either aren’t noticing, or completely understand and can relate.
@whitehorse If anyone has the wherewithal or energy to judge you for what happens during/after a workout, they are not working hard enough. But I can almost guarantee no one is carrying any judgment toward you. Cry on and heal up! Sounds like you're doing great!
@whitehorse Hello Crier,
I'm Puker and I can assure that, that between the two of us, you're WAY MORE popular than me. As for box jumps... they're my favorite... but at the same time I had to take a month off from them (and most barbell work) because I absolutely murdered my shin on a failed box jump.

So welcome to the club.

We're the best workout crew I've experienced outside of my old rugby team.

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