I’m the crying girl

@whitehorse Hi crier, i’m the leaker with a weak pelvic floor who’s afraid of doing single-unders. Also one time I cried while doing burpees because I was stressed out about my 2yr old. Also I’m usually last ❤️. We’ve all been there!!
@whitehorse I’ve never seen anyone cry, in all honesty. But, if someone struggled so much that they cried and still showed up the next day, all the more respect. Nice job. Sorry about your shins, I’ve got those scars
@whitehorse Just also background. I’ve been doing CrossFit for almost 2 years. My wife for almost 1.5 years. It took me 1\2 a year to get her to try it lol.
Now as for crying at the gym I’ve never done that but I have at home in shower after intense workout. Now for box jumps…just yesterday I missed on a 20in box for the first time ever…didn’t go over box but caught myself. No one noticed except the coach and once I jumped back in box she just encouraged.
Now my wife has missed a box jump and tumbled head over box. Everyone pretty much stopped for a moment and once she jumped up they went on to work out.
I say all this to say if you’re at a decent gym no one will care or judge. If anything they will encourage.
@whitehorse I do me, you do you. No one cares the slightest bit about the embarrassment, but we care about you feeling good. Stop comparing yourself to others; there’s literally no point. Life is short and hard to comprehend. You need to take things a lot easier. Once you are able to relax and get rid of all the unnecessary burdens, you’ll be in the flow, and you will do great. Be patient; it takes years, not weeks or months.
@whitehorse We’re all crying on the inside. We don’t notice or care if you wear your pain on the outside. 😆 You’re good. Maybe use a lower box for a minute and get your confidence back. And keep going! We all get our asses and our egos handed to us. It’s part of the fun!
@whitehorse I’ve cried through pain, frustration, just being overwhelmed and also general life stuff having nothing to do with it. It’s fine, normal to have emotions if you’re working hard because you really care and give it your all, be proud of that!
Oh and yes I’ve smashed my shins twice. Both times on a low box because I stopped concentrating. I don’t wear shin guards, just keep my mind focussed and don’t rush them too too much. Some people do wear leggings on box jump days though.
@whitehorse All anyone at CrossFit gyms really truly care about is effort. Give your maximum effort. If you cry, you cry. It just means you care. Keep busting your ass and getting better.
@godlies I guess i am not a crossfitter then. :/ i still scale to weights, partly bc i am certain I will eat it. I am only 5’1” and my inseam is only 24”; jumping onto a 20” box is a markedly different challenge for me than your average white man with a 30-36” inseam.
@whitehorse It takes take but learn to be easier on yourself.
CrossFit is an extreme sport with high intensity and high volume (quoting my physio here).
It’s challenging. I’ve cried on the inside many times.
@whitehorse People cry at my CF all the time, and by people I mean me and my friend who also goes lol

Our cries are more emotional/stress/cathartic related, but I would 100% cry if I slammed my shins into a box and have seen people do it and cry.

Also no one cares when you finish. So whether you finish first or last or not at all - no one cares. CF is a very supportive environment, and also I cannot stress this enough (in a supportive, nice way): no one cares what you’re doing, when you finish, how much weight you used, etc.
@whitehorse Box jumps are the nearest death experience u get in CrossFit. I have been injured multiple times doing that(my wrist injury because of it is still not 100%). But they are the best movement which make you keep your head in the game even when u r extremely tired!
Don’t worry about these things, gym is a safe space we all go there to escape reality. And keep at it, just show up again and again and again, that’s all u need to do!
@whitehorse Yes, wear shin guards for box jumps. You can also use them for deadlifts & rope climbs. Rogue Fitness will have some options for you.

Keep showing up for yourself. Everyone that does CrossFit is a little crazy so welcome to the club!