I did my first push-ups after failing for months

@annmarkerls Muscle weighs more than fat. It’s normal to gain weight as you’re gaining muscle mass. Don’t get discouraged. Keep hydrating and stretching. Go slow, no rushing.
I’ve found salads help. Add diced chicken.
Keep going!
@indermitter While that is true, it takes a lot of work to actually gain muscle. It doesn't happen as quickly as people think, and OP should seek medical advise if they are only taking in 1,500 calories are are still "gaining more and more weight."
@bluechap What’s your definition of “quickly”? My own anecdotal experiences in different physical training fields over the last couple of decades have shown considerable gains within 1-2 weeks.
@indermitter It can take three months to gain 5 pounds of muscle. Eating 1,500 calories a day should cause her to stay the same weight. OP says they're gaining more and more weight. Something's not right.
@bluechap Sure, calories. Calories is just energy. What is she eating? 1500 calories of chicken, beef, and leafy greens is a lot different than 1500 calories of bologna sandwiches and Doritos. Ha
@indermitter What? Eating 1500 calories of lean meats and vegetables will put you in the same defecit as eating 1500 calories of anything else. The discipline to stop eating at your calorie allotment when stull hungry after eating nothing but nutrient deficient, calorically dense junk is the only difference here. Staying satisfied throughout the day justbjust much easierbwhen comsuming high volume foods with less calories and more nutrients per said volume.
1lb of iron and 1lb of feathers both weigh 1lb. You can lose weight eating nothing buy McChickens and Chips Ahoy but you will feel miserable while doing it.
@bluechap It does, but also it doesn't. After a certain point working out is fun.

You just kind of exercise regularly at least a few times a week and rest the muscles you worked on, and the muscle grows over time.
@thejaquery Denser is the word. I mean we kindof already knew what they meant without getting corrected, but technically yeah. idk why you are getting downvoted lol