I don’t know how much I’m supposed to weigh


New member
I’ve been weight lifting since Thanksgiving of last year, with a month-long break in April due to injury and vacation, and for the most past, I’ve been excited to see how many body has changed. I lost 15 pounds doing HIIT before weightlifting, but this morning I stepped on the scale and I was dismayed to see that I gained it all back—but I’m still the same size. I fluctuate between a size 4 and 6, I’m 5’1, and this morning I weighed 142.2 lbs, waist 28. My goal weight has changed from 125 to 130 since beginning weight lifting, and I eat 90-100g of protein per day. I lift 2-3 times a week, and run 2x a week.

What other measures can I use to stay healthy? I’d still like to go back to 130 pounds, but idk if it’s reasonable anymore. I don’t know how much I’m supposed to eat calorie-wise. 1350 make my stomach growl when I try to sleep, and 1500 doesn’t budge the scale.

Should I try to stay at 140 and lift more? I just don’t know how to gauge where I’m at and what I should do differently to stay healthy and get leaner. Any advice is welcome.
@johnd One thing that’s helped me move the scale more is increasing my walking. Running and strength training is great! I think increasing your daily step count may help too. I’ve started power walking every morning for about 1-1.5 miles and that’s helped speed up my weight loss.
@johnd I’m 5’2” 139lbs and my goal weight is 125. What has worked for me before was a combo of walking, IF (16:8), lazy keto (as in not obsessively tracking macros) and CrossFit or weightlifting 3x/week.