I tried naked yoga today..

@globalappsorg Yeah. The nudity/hipsters got me side eyeing too but I thought couple of other posters had pretty articulate responses to that and OP’s response was pretty respectful!

It definitely differs from individual to individual and region to region to region, but you definitely weren’t wrong in your initial post. We Americans have some pretty problematic ideas (and systems) about health and about non-sexualized nudity.
@relliott28 I may have to try this, if I can find the time/privacy. I’m finding myself at sort of a crossroads right now.

In my 40s, having run the gambit from morbidly obese to malnourished from disordered eating, having been enrolled in my first weight loss program at the age of 11 or 12, I find myself fluctuating between beating my body into submission and forcing myself to get “fit” and making healthy choices 99.999% of the time, to thinking, “why can’t I just be a little fluffy, move my body in ways that feel good, eat healthy but also indulge when I feel like it and if I have to buy bigger pants, so be it”?
@relliott28 Thank you for sharing. This hit home for me. I just found out im 7 weeks pregnant with baby #3. I am happy but my thoughts are also consumed with my body and how it’s changing and will change more. This is coming from someone who struggled for years to get pregnant enduring fertility doctors surgeries and a very traumatic loss of our first baby so I know how freaking lucky I am to even be pregnant. But still that little voice in the back of my head won’t shut up. Being a woman is hard.
@relliott28 I love it! Having some time to be with your naked self with no company or audience is really grounding. I will try my practice nude next session. Non-sexual nudity is good for the soul.
Before you get the wrong idea, I’m not a part of any hipster cult or weird nudist colony

This is a really judgmental comment. I completely understand that American (making an assumption here) society is exceptionally puritanical so I'm sure you're only saying it because you've been programmed to. But there is nothing cultlike about being naked, nor anything hipster, and hipster is not even a negative quality in the first place. It sounds like what you're doing with naked yoga is helping reframe that thought for you, which is good :)

Nudists aren't weird either, they just live without shame. Pretty enviable mindset, honestly.
@chandrika I also wanted to say something about that quote, and you said everything I was thinking about saying.

I don't know how people still have this shitty mindset over non-sexual nudity. Nudism isn't weird; it's literally about being comfortable in your own skin. I post in the r/nudism sub sometimes, and we're trying so hard for it to be accepted, only to come across a comment like that. It's disheartening, to say the least
@relliott28 This is so beautiful - I teared up reading it. It hit really close to home and highlighted some issues that I hadn’t really fully appreciated the extent to which I struggle with. I plan on following your example. Thank you for this ❤️
@relliott28 Now... Will you do this with your hubby at home?

I've also had my share of body weight issues. To the point where my guy has actually pointed out to points on his own body and said "do you like me less bc this flubby bit?" Just to point out how silly and unimportant this hang-up is to our relationship According to him he stops noticing everything but the t&a. Sooooo I've been encouraged... to take more risks, to display more while still preserving my modesty and safety. And now I'll surprise him with naked yoga on good days or vice versa. It's been pretty great to be so exposed to and with him.
@marialbg Well after I finally told him about trying it myself, he said if I wanted him to try it with me he would. But he said it wouldn’t mess it up for me by just jumping in it. He’s so supportive. I could see us doing it together one day.
@relliott28 Self love is a life long practice. I loved this story of yours. It illustrates the struggle of acceptance and how you worked hard to overcome your personal afflictions. I found it inspirational. Even though I’m a random person on the Internet, I’m proud of you!
@relliott28 I was just thinking this morning that I need to spend more time naked because I feel like I’m always kind of shocked when I look at myself in the mirror naked. I can feel confident with clothes on that tuck in or conceal my jiggly parts. I look in shape with clothes on, but then naked I just feel so grossed out with my body.

I’ve never heard of naked yoga but I should definitely try it out to get used to my naked body and hopefully start to appreciate it as well. Thank you for this post!
@toniadmas05 I totally understand where you’re coming from. I consider myself a confident person in many other areas of my life, all of which include me being clothed. I had never met anyone that was totally comfortable with being naked until I met my husband. I know things can be different for men but I just couldn’t wrap my head around the idea of his confidence. It wasn’t until we had MANY talks about it that I realized it was my discomfort with my naked body that was weird and not his confidence with his. If get enough courage to do it, I hope it helps you as much as it helped me!
@relliott28 What an amazing experience, I think I’ll try this myself! Though the fact that non-sexual nudity is lumped in with “weirdos and cultists” in the first place is part of the original problem — it’s sad that even someone open-minded like yourself shows how alienated we can become from our own bodies in the modern age.

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