I Tried the '75 Hard' Challenge and Here’s What Happened to My Body and Mind in 75 Days


New member
I wanted to share my journey through the 75 Hard Challenge, a mental toughness program created by Andy Frisella. It’s not just about fitness; it’s a transformative experience that demands discipline and consistency across various aspects of life.

Here’s a quick rundown of the rules for those unfamiliar:
  1. Follow a diet (any diet, but no cheat meals and no alcohol).
  2. Work out twice a day for 45 minutes (one session must be outdoors).
  3. Drink a gallon of water daily.
  4. Read 10 pages of a non-fiction book each day.
  5. Take a progress picture every day.
Why I Started:

I was feeling stuck in a rut, both physically and mentally. The structure and challenge of 75 Hard appealed to me as a way to break out of my comfort zone.

The Journey:

Week 1-2: The Shock
  • Adjusting to the routine was tough. I was constantly sore from the workouts, and drinking a gallon of water felt like drowning from the inside out.
  • Cravings for junk food and alcohol hit hard. My social life took a hit as I couldn’t join friends for drinks.
Week 3-4: Finding a Rhythm
  • My body started adapting. Soreness was less intense, and I began to enjoy my outdoor workouts, even in bad weather.
  • My diet became second nature. I found creative ways to make healthy meals exciting.
Week 5-6: Mental Gains
  • Reading daily became a highlight. I was learning new things and felt my mindset shifting towards positivity and resilience.
  • The progress pictures revealed noticeable physical changes. My energy levels soared, and I felt more confident.
Week 7-8: Overcoming Obstacles
  • Life threw some curveballs: work stress, family emergencies. Sticking to the plan required immense willpower.
  • There were days I wanted to quit, but remembering why I started kept me going.
Week 9-10: The Final Stretch
  • By now, the habits were ingrained. I was more organized, productive, and mentally tough.
  • Seeing the challenge through to the end felt incredibly rewarding.
  • Physical: Lost 15 pounds, gained muscle, and felt fitter than ever. My skin cleared up, and I slept better.
  • Mental: Improved discipline, focus, and resilience. I felt a profound sense of accomplishment and self-belief.
  • Social: My friends noticed the positive changes, and some even joined me on the challenge.
Tips for Anyone Considering 75 Hard:
  1. Plan Ahead: Meal prep, schedule your workouts, and keep a water bottle handy at all times.
  2. Stay Accountable: Share your journey with friends or on social media. Community support helps.
  3. Be Kind to Yourself: It’s tough, but don’t beat yourself up over minor slip-ups. Focus on consistency.
I’m happy to answer any questions or provide more details about my experience. For anyone considering it: it’s hard, but it’s worth it.

Good luck to everyone on their health and fitness journeys!

TL;DR: Completed the 75 Hard Challenge, saw major improvements in physical fitness, mental toughness, and overall lifestyle. It’s tough but rewarding.
@chick4battle I think I just found the next progression of this #30430 jump rope challenge I’m doing, good shit man.
What are your post 75 hard goals?
Will you continue with it or is there another challenge after?