I went off track for FOUR DAYS and I gained 3 pounds. Just feeling really frustrated. 5’2” SW 125 GW 120 CW 126.6

@adriana28 Maybe 1200/1500isplenty are more your style, people here aren’t being mean it’s just a very diet culture post and most people who know anything about fitness understand scale fluctuations especially after eating more than usual.
Whether or not you agree your post is very ED-ish, and a lot of people end up with disordered eating habits after a long time of dieting so it wasn’t a weird/bitchy question to ask.
@adriana28 I can gain 3kg over a weekend and then lose that same 3kg a few days later. Could be water weight or hormones - but I can assure you that it’s most definitely temporary gain. Please do NOT beat yourself up over it.
@adriana28 Just chiming in...
You said you're period was 2 weeks ago... you're probably ovulating ... I bloat/"gain" more water weight before/during ovulation than my period. This is not uncommon!

I'm a little shorter than you (prob older) and sit right at 117-119... I was at 122 forever and finally started focusing on weight lifting... helped me lose a couple and it's easier to maintain!
@ocean_soul That is so true! I’m on BC so not sure if that takes away the ovulating completely. That’s awesome you have been able to stay the same weight, im working on adding more weights to my routine as I usually peloton every day but want to work on doing weights after the ride.
@adriana28 Your weight can vary by 5% or even more just based on hydration and whether or not you've gone to the bathroom.

I would recommend weighing yourself less often as it tends to just create more stress. Once per week or every other week is plenty.

Daily and even weekly fluctuations are irrelevant. Start thinking in longer term increments and you will be much happier and less stressed.
@adriana28 I can have 1-2 days of being off track and gain 3 pounds. It’s water weight, and the weight of the food still in your system. It usually drops after 1 day but if you’re working out more then you normally do you can hold onto it a little bit longer. You could also be gaining muscle depending on your workouts.

You would have to eat 3500 calories over your TDEE to gain 1 pound.
@rosiejack Definitely not. It is normal to be upset when you work hard to lose a few pounds and you gain them back. It’s not like I’m going to restrict myself since I gained the weight, it’s a new week and I’m already back to my normal meal routine today.

I think you’re in the wrong sub.

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