I worked out three times a week for 4 months. Here are my results. [Repost from r/fitness/]

@frenchstudent Eat multiple medium sized meals a day. It will be very tough at the beginning to get down so much food. Increase the amount by small increments if neccessary! Munch on nuts all the time. If you have trouble eating in the morning make yourself a nice shake. (Oats, Dates, Bananas, Almond Milk, Peanut Butter, Spinach, Berries... so on) Drink that on the go. If you want to you can make it happen!
@rickerc Youth plus metabolism is a hell of a drug. Lucky you started now. It's easier to maintain then get it back. I remember when I had a swimmers body, now it's hidden under layers of protective fat. It's still there, just hidden.

Also, being fat does wonders for your legs, it's just hard to see til you cut.

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