Im 16 y/o M, 6’1 foot and 130 pounds. How to gain mass and size?


New member
As title says. I am currently a swimmer with good fitness. I also do basic workouts like pushups, squats, etc. I can do about 50 of each in a set. Also, im trying to eat more with caloric surplus, but I just find that i use the toilet more frequently so idk if im really absorbing the extra carbs/protein. Im looking for advice to get hypertrophy as a whole. Ill be looking to enter a gym soon but I cant right now, I can use weighted bags at home per instance. Any advice how to grow in size? Any exercises you recommend and how many reps for hypertrophy??

Some muscles I would love to work include biceps, triceps, shoulder, forearm, thigh , calf, back, abs. Bonus points if you could link to some of those 😉
@armadilloca If you want to add a lot of strength, muscle and weight in a relatively short time; Super Squat is by far the best program I have ran. Follow it AS WRITTEN. Here is my review of Super Squat .

You could also run 6 months of eating and training for mass laid out, which is a series of great bulking programs ran in sequence. Follow them as written, including diet. I have ran parts of the program, and here are the reviews: Building the Monolith and 531 Beefcake.

Or, you can run any of the recommended routines on the wiki, and simply EAT MORE .

And as always: READ THE WIKI!

@armadilloca I'm an ectomorph and I always had trouble gaining weight when I was younger. The most effective thing for me has been consuming excess calories - usually in the form of weight gainer shakes - and heavy lifting. Nowadays there are some really good weight gainers on the market. I use Dymatize Super Mass Gainer.

You're only 16 so I wouldn't recommend lifting too heavy yet but you should start getting into a routine and developing good technique with your lifting. When you build up to it, do sets of 4-8 reps to failure with good technique. This should be very heavy. Skinny guys won't gain weight lifting high reps and doing high sets.