Iron ?


New member
I am newly plant based, over a year. I just started a new more Intense workout routine which involves using weights. I started getting a bit dizzy & lightheaded and noticed I had pale lips. Wondering if I should up my iron intake by taking supplements, and how much is a good amount? I know iron can be tricky. I am in great health 35 y/o petite woman. I have felt fine after that day and took a couple days off from working out. Any input is helpful. I realize I should probably get bloodwork done soon but don’t feel like anything Is too abnormal..
@meghan1980 Go give blood - They’ll test your iron levels for free (obviously can’t give if you’re too low).

I always have plenty of iron so I use it as a way to get rid of excess iron anyway.
@meghan1980 I would recommend making an appointment to see your doctor and get your blood tested. You should not start taking iron supplements without a known deficiency.

Also keep in mind that there are lots of other possible explanations for your symptoms besides just low iron. This is something that your doctor can evaluate.

However I think a good thing to work on in the meantime would be to make sure that you're eating enough total calories and fueling your body properly. Do you currently track what you eat?
@katie4469 I appreciate this. I try my best to eat well, but I could be needing more good calories. Protein waffles for breakfast,apple & peanut butter for a snack, rice & beans & Veggies or rice tofu veggies for lunch & dinner, protein shake with fruit for another snack is what I mostly eat !
@meghan1980 I've dealt with low iron too (and second getting bloodwork) and realized I need to make sure I get enough vitamin C and protein for the iron to absorb properly. I usually just make sure I drink a glass of OJ in the morning with my protein oats (VEGAIN's protein has 44% daily iron per scoop)
@meghan1980 Are you supplementing B12? You can't make red blood cells without it and its not in plant based foods naturally. It is stored so can take a while to run out. Second getting blood tests.
@meghan1980 For sure get some bloodwork done, but if you're also wanting to up your iron a little (never hurts as a vegan into fitness!) I'd go for dark leafy greens like spinach and kale, some quinoa, lentils (any bean/legume is great actually), tofu, broccoli, pumpkin seeds, and/or tahini. Iron supplements are super helpful if you're still low after incorporating more iron-rich foods to your diet, don't shy away from them! I have also seen people use a lucky iron fish to get some extra iron in, and that's worth checking out as well. Best of luck and feel better soon, wishing you health and wellness and that you get some clarity from your bloodwork ☮️
@meghan1980 I had the same thing happen doing centuries on my bike, you can deplete iron quite easily during endurance exercise if your diet isn't great, I use Thorne iron bisglycinate and it works well, just pop one before exercise and you'll be fine.