Is 30 too late to aim for an ‘athletic body’?

@norman70 Absolutely not! Have you ever seen any posts by Training with Joan on Instagram? She started in her late 60s and is just crushing it in the gym now in her 70s. Any day is a good day to start!
@norman70 Nope not too late. Start working out believe me you won't be disappointed I've been working out for about a month now. And I'm in my thirties and I can tell you I feel fantastic
@norman70 Definitely not. I’ve seen people become athletic at 65, after just beginning working out at 63. 30 is basically the new 20
@norman70 I’m 31 Male, I was really skinny in my 20s then around 27-28 my metabolism hit a wall and the poor diet, alcohol, and lack of exercise caught up.

April of last year I got my annual labs and I was pre-diabetic, had high cholesterol, and liver enzymes were off. So I decided to do a CICO diet, quit drinking (only water and NA now), and exercise consistently. I’m now at 173 from 217 last year and dropped around 11% BF. All my labs normalized as well as my HbA1C.

You can choose to be healthy at any age, there is no too late. You just have to want to make the changes.

Edit: Weight is in lbs, I’m 5’8” for reference.
@norman70 im a 27yr old woman making fairly good progress so id hope so for you lmfao

bodybuilding is a lot of time investment, but an “athletic body” that the average joe thinks is great should be fairly attainable
@norman70 My wife never worked out a day in her life and she started weight lifting when she turned 30, maybe it's genetics maybe it's just newbie gains but she got muscles pretty fast, it was funny how she was posing in front of the mirror after workouts flexing in disbelief that she had toned muscles and looked athletic. So no it's never late.
@norman70 Started running, resistance training and yoga during the pandemic at age 45. Was dealing with depression and chronic pain. I’ve always been active and outdoorsy but this is most serious I’d ever been about fitness. Fixed my lifelong “nerd neck” posture, less pain, better sleep. I’ve had treatment for the depression which has helped too. I wish I’d been this serious at age 30. You can ABSOLUTELY make changes to your body, outlook, how you feel, etc. Find something you like and incrementally add to it. Don’t commit to too much at the very beginning or you’ll have difficulty keeping it up. You want to change you day to day habits in a way that you can keep up long term.
@norman70 It's never too late. At 30, i've reached my best shape that i ever was. It was a birthday gift from me to me. Cut down from 216lbs to 150lbs in about 1.5 yrs. Im 34 yo right now i am up to 189lbs, about 13% body fat, getting it down under 5% and hitting the stage late April.

If you want it enough, it's never too late. Rise up and shine. You will feel great, mentally and physically.
@norman70 I am 37 and I am in much better shape than I ever was in my 20s. Both in health and physical looks. I didn't start until I was 34 and have seen amazing results. So no it's not too late!
@norman70 Not at all! I’m 38 and I just started my fitness journey at 36. Most of my life I was told I could never gain muscle, cause I was skinny, but I’m enjoying my progress every day.
@norman70 Your body is 100% made in the kitchen.

If you don't get your diet correct, you won't get an athletic body no matter how hard you try in the gym or with other activities.