Is 30 too late to aim for an ‘athletic body’?

@norman70 It is never too late to be in better shape than you are at this moment. I was crushed in a car accident at age 29. Today at 63 I am a healthy fit man. If I could do it, so can you. I would like to offer a suggestion though. While it's great to have goals, If you make them too rigid, then what could happen is you may quickly lose heart because the day, days or even weeks you may have to miss can make you feel like you're not getting anything done. That is not true. As an anxious perfectionist I have made that mistake myself.If you simply set the goal of just getting in to the gym as often as you're able and do what you can when you're there, trust me, that is a really great goal and if you can achieve that you'll get the body you want...Because the real key to all of this is just showing up. Steady, consistent, and especially, PATIENT effort and You'll be amazed. Good luck.
@norman70 30 is not too late. 40 is not too late. 50 is not too late. 60 will be hard to build muscle but you can still be in shape. You’ll need more effort, discipline, and diet but it is certainly doable. Check out Cameron Hanes on YouTube, he’s 56 and I believe started working out and running later in life.
@norman70 Yes, but don't confuse "athletic body" with "shredded".

Healthy diet and exercise will make you more athletic, but fundamentally changing your body type is not sustainable for most people.

Tyson Fury has one type of "athletic body".