Is it dumb to offset calories the next day?


New member
I just had 5k total calories for Memorial Day. I don’t regret it I really enjoyed my day and got to splurge eat with friends and family. However, I’m still trying to get shredded this summer and I’m at 12 percent trying to get down to 8. Safe to say today set me back quite a few. Wondering if I spent Tuesday through Friday eating 800 calories of pure low fat protein meat such as chicken breast and fish at the end of the day would be a good way to offset today.

I’m trying to get down to 8 percent by July lol. In terms of energy. Idc I’m aware such a low calorie would put it me at low energy. I know tomororw I wouldn’t have low energy because today all that food will carry over lmao but only protein for the week at little under 1k calories. Would I lose muscle?

I ended up just continuing on the 2000 calorie cut
@dsutton2 Purely for the weight loss but not muscle retention, unless they're 150lbs and 90% of those calories are pure protein. Much better off just sticking to the diet as it was, both mentally and physically.
@awoods88 Lmao relax bro. You got some temporary water retention. Provided that you’re dialed into your plan again you’ll be fine. Keep eating as you’ve been.

Not only that, but there is a factor you may not be aware of. TEF (thermic effect of food) Is the energy our body uses to digest, metabolize, and absorb we consume. TEF is also enhanced after aerobic exercise. This is part of the reason why if you ate 3500 calories in excess that you wouldn’t just gain 1lb of body fat.

Essentially, Your body needs to use energy to make your food of use and this process is increased when you exercise. Therefore, your body will then burn more calories while digesting. Lastly, that water you’re holding will be gone is like 3-5 days.
@greenvalley Yeah but I heard it’s nothing crazy for example a 5k day calorie intake burns about 300-400 in thermic effect. Which is a lot of course but in the grand scheme of things we have still go the fasting route 😭but it’s nice to know and consider for sure on the thermic effect
@awoods88 My rule is that it’s fine to offset calories BEFORE an event. But trying to catch up after is a lost cause. You have something to look forward to in the first case and a real moment you can alleviate the hunger. But going from eating a ton of food to cutting below normal diet numbers is just going to mess you up mentally and probably hormonally. Just get back on track and you’ll be fine.
@awoods88 Just get back to your routine mate, remember the great time you had and look forward to doing it again! If you have 12 blowouts a year, that means there’s been 353 days you didn’t. Gotta look at this stuff in months, years and decades, not days.
@awoods88 I would personally just do like 100-200 less for a little while.

Also your TDEE is only 2100? I have no idea how big you are or how active, but it sounds low.

I wouldn't go nuts with the massive cut. When I don't eat enough I get mad hungry and then I over eat.

What I would do personally is up the activity if you can for just a little bit. 2 mile walk for a few days would get rid of those extra calories.

Or a little is both. See if you can do with -100 to-200 calories and walk or something. Low intensity stuff doesn't seem to get my hunger up. I have actually started jogging and it has helped a lot and I don't hate it.
@lernestof Not sure how big OP is. But I'm 167cm 64.65kg and 2100 calories is around the ballpark of what my TDEE is probably. My TDEE I think is a bit higher.

Us short kings have an advantage in terms of looking big fast. But cutting is brutal. I hate medium-high intensity cardio. My cut is taking awhile because I dont do cardio much (and when I do its walking) and I've avoided a starvation diet (lowest ive gone was maybe sub-1,600 calories one, maybe two days a week). I am considering walking to my gym (3,175 metres one way) 2x a week and switching to a 6 day Arnold Split from a 4 day torso/limb. So that I can get in 12.7km a week and not waste extra money on gas training 6 days a week. 6 day split would make my sessions shorter and conserve more energy. While giving me room for forearms, abs and adding in some extra quad, hamstring, bicep volume.
@asperd Yeah, I get that. I am used to seeing my BRM of 1890 I am 5'11 and 223lbs, been on a cut for 2 years. I had a 20 year bulk up to 320lbs. I walk a lot now try to lift 4 days a week when I don't hurt. My TDEE is typically around 3k these days. I bike to work, walk at lunch, and lift or walk/run in the evening. I want to be at my goal weight of 200lbs and it is taking too long so I upped the activity.

179cm, was 144kg, down to 101.2kg trying to get to ~90.5kg
@lernestof My TDEE is 2100-2300ish at the lowest on days where I basically have 0 physical activity and I’m 5’9, 150lbs, and like average body fat% (for a woman). On normal days without intentional exercise it’s closer to 2500-2800ish. 2100 sounds super low for a guy with 12% BF and who works out regularly, unless he’s pretty short and/or doesn’t have a lot of muscle and/or is very sedentary outside of his regimen (or is relying solely on online calculators to determine his TDEE)
@awoods88 Its an average that matters so as long as your average gets back to your goal caloric intake it dont really matter much. Also in case you arent aware fat as a nutrition is important you really just want to make sure you have enough protein and your total calories are at whatever your goal is. A healthy amount of fat in your food is importsnt for your body to produce testosterone
@vloggle I’ve had over 250 grams of fat today 😂 but yeah I mean like tomorrow if I decide to eat at 800 calories then that means it made todays 5k calories go down to a whopping 2900 calories which means it only put me 800 calories over TDEE instead but do it once more than It made today maintenance calories at 2100 but if I go one more day like that then it would transform my day from 5k calories to easily 1800 calories back to my deficit. That’s my thought process
@vloggle Thank you that’s what I’m thinking as well. After July I won’t be thinking like this but since we’re only a month away need to go back on my plan asap haha