Is it dumb to offset calories the next day?

@cubicist I ended up eating 1200 the day after and until today just ate 2000 calories. Just continued where I left off tbh I couldn’t even attempt anything below 1500 way to hard for me anyway
@awoods88 As long as there is a survival stimulus to the muscle (you lifting weight till failure), the body will cling on to the muscle even though you are on a severe calorific deficit.
Wondering if I spent Tuesday through Friday eating 800 calories of pure low fat protein meat such as chicken breast and fish at the end of the day would be a good way to offset today.

This is a bad idea for a few reasons. Not having any carbs would mean your body would just end up using the protein as an energy source (what it normally uses carbs for) which would compound the low energy effects of the low calories. You'd probably not lose muscle on this short of a time span but it's still not a good idea in general.

Either go straight back to your diet or just go on a slightly lower surplus for a few days.