Is S&S really enough? Read mor for context. Im pretty new to this fitness thing

@kingtravel Thanks! I'll look it up. Ifor all the smoking I did the last 20 years I am in surprisingly great shape. Lol I'm 6'4" and 185 lbs. I'll check this Wildman fella out. It ruined by clubs. Anything to make the work out fun!
@mr_loevinger Honestly, I have had a steel mace sitting in the corner for a couple years because there isn’t much out there that I found useful for programming until I saw Wildman’s work. Swinging it and my 35lb club is probably the most fun I have had with weight training in my life. S&S is cool too, but there is something about the primal feeling of swinging heavy weight around. As Wildman says, our shoulders set us apart from any other species. So you are at least in relatively good shape despite smoking. So, keep it up. I am a former smoker, too. These workouts really change your mind about ever picking up the habit again.
@mr_loevinger Lots of good advice upvoted high. My advice is to spend some time working on techniques for other movements, so that you aren't starting from scratch when you want to move on - clean and press in particular. Sets of 10 push ups and sets of 2-5 pulls ups as well (possible you will need to build up to both or either) so that you can start building muscle memory there. Well done giving up the smokes

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