Is there a way to hit higher levels of protein without taking protein shakes ?


New member
For whatever reason i don't feel like taking protein powder I'd rather just get it all from my food but im kinda struggling to go over 100g. Its easier the days i can eat tuna but i cant really eat that everyday. The goal is to hit 150 g of protein while staying under 1500 calories.

What I mostly eat now includes whole wheat bread, cheese, eggs, turkey, spinach, Greek yogurt , tuna, I cant stand to eat chicken everyday but lord knows im trying and im gonna have to i guess. Any advice? ty in advance
@harmony77 Do you like steak? I eat steak and eggs for breakfast almost daily. I love it.

That meal gets me 40-50 grams of protein alone.

Also, fat free Greek yogurt is 18 grams per 90 calories. (Fage brand)
@londonmum I eat 0% fage with blueberries regularly and love it. Filling and wholesome. If I want a little kick for dessert, I'll drizzle a little honey on. So good!
@londonmum I avoid red meat but i didnt know fat free greek had more protein in it, i forgot what brand im eating now but its like 80 cal for 12g of protein. Ill definitely get the fage ones from now on, thanks
@harmony77 Yeah, hope that works out for you. Sometimes you don't need to change up your diet too much, the small changes make a decent difference.

For future reference all fat free dairy has more protein and less calories. (Milk, cheese, etc...)
@londonmum But avoid fake sugar. Like Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal). Neotame (Newtame). Saccharin (Sweet'N Low). Sucralose (Splenda).

That shit is so unhealthy for you and more and more studies show probably cancerous.
@trevorodhiambo Stronger by science just did some really great episodes about this.

You'd have to drink like 40 diet sodas a day for it to be cancerous and that was in rats.

You should give it a listen! It was listed on the same line item as fruit for cancer risk.
@londonmum Dont believe all articles you read. A lot of them are paid by their sponsors (businesses). My brother once drank coffee with those silly fake sugar. He got sick for 2 days with diarrhoea and stuffs.
@charls7 It wasn't an article. It was a 10+ hour podcast of the leading fitness researcher in the world analyzing every study done on the subject. It was extremely well put together talking about the good and bad data collected.

I can guarantee you big artificial sugar wasn't paying him off lmao.

You'd learn a lot taking a listen!
@londonmum Gimme steak, eggs, and a fat ass chocolate protein waffle (Kodiak pancake mix). And you’ve got the perfect brekky

Oh plus like 5 cups of coffee
@harmony77 Get liquid egg whites, mix 500g with 100g fat free cottage cheese, some spinach, green onions and other low calorie veg then put into muffin trays and bake for 18 minutes. It makes a big plate of high protine low calorie food. I do it with 2 slices of toast and get about 70g of protine for around 500 calories.
@xiconexertoroyah 5'7, 170lb, I got to the gym at least 4 times a week, im 28, and to get lean i guess ? im not really trying to bulk i rather cut so im not trying to go over 1500 cal a little more is fine if necessary

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