is there any other 5’2 to 5’4 women that feel best at 140lb to 150lbs or is it just me?

@peaceprevails26 raises hand me. I got down to 143 at my very lowest and you could see my ribs through my chest, not just under my boobs. 150 is a healthier fat distribution for me.
@peaceprevails26 i’m 5’4”, ive never been above 135, but if i drift even kinda close to 130 atp (i started lifting like 4ish years ago… still dont look like i do :( ), i start to look worse. people tell me to bulk and cut but it seriously isnt worth it cause i just look so much worse when i gain weight. im at 122ish, and im always between 125 and 118.
@peaceprevails26 Yes, as my petite parent said… some people are built like willow trees, tall and long… we are built like buffalo, short and strong.

I think if I hacked off my boobs I’d get my weight down by 10 pounds more at least.
@peaceprevails26 I'm 5 ft1inch. I haven't really set any goals. I do find anything under 140lbs is difficult to maintain. I've been 123 before, but I was much younger and had the flu at the doctors when I saw that weight.

Between 130 and 140lbs, is doable for me, but I've never found a way to maintain it long term. So 140 ish is usually the case.
@peaceprevails26 I’m 5’4” and that’s a sweet spot for me. It’s how much I weighed when I was a college swimmer (I started lifting at 15-16yo). I’ve been muscular my whole adult life and the “overweight” BMI is where I look and feel great. Not that I put too much stock in BMI for myself, I care mostly about bf%.
@peaceprevails26 Love reading the comments. 5’4” as well and 148 lbs. I think I will look and feel great at 130-135. I aim for this eventually. Not working on weight loss at the moment due to life stressors. I look at the mirror and I know I would be happier at 1 pant size lesser. that would be a sweet spot for me.
@peaceprevails26 I’m 4’11 and I’m 130 lbs now and honestly, I love it. I was steadily around 110-115 since high school, but the last few years I wanted to re-establish my relationship with food (after a lifetime of ED). I was always very healthy & active but I felt like that desire came from a place of fear/anxiety/guilt tripping myself. But now I’m turning 30 this year and I love being at this weight, my curves have really filled out exactly as they needed to, I 100% feel more womanly. I truly can say I carry the weight well, which I’m thankful. I just feel more confident and have a better relationship with myself & food in general. I still work out though and am currently looking to sculpt my body more at this current weight. Mainly because I just want to be stronger overall & genuinely take good care of my health.
@peaceprevails26 5'1" and 165 lbs. a lottt of it is muscle mass, but i still also look fluffy lol. i have a very big appetite so this is where my body wants to sit, I wouldn't mind leaning out a bit but i'm okay with this for now.

There are pictures of my body in my profile if you'd like to know what it looks like but forewarning they are NSFW and are also only flattering angles, poses, etc.
@peaceprevails26 echoing everything mentioned here— i’m 5’3 and my maintenance seems to be around 150. i don’t look it due to bone structure and genetics. i’m an athletic hourglass shape with boobs n booty to spare, fleshy arms and short, stocky legs (both of which i was always insecure about, but am now realizing is pretty optimal for building muscle!) for reference, i feel like i have a similar body to florence pugh, but slightly curvier. it took me a long time and a lot of body dysmorphia to realize my weight is actually pretty evenly distributed. body fat is currently at 35%, but i definitely appear more slender due to my shape and muscle mass. i’m also usually a medium and size 8.

i’m with you— at this point in my fitness journey i can’t imagine it would be optimal for me to dip under 140, especially while i’m trying to progressively overload. i have been as low as 100 in my adult life and it was…not great. i feel like i don’t look right unless i’m at least 135-140. i’m comfortable at my current weight, and i know what that feels like because this time last year i was about 20 pounds heavier and definitely not comfortable.

i could probably get down to the 140’s in time as i continue my fitness journey, but i’m finally at the point where my desire for fitness isn’t motivated by physique goals anymore (and it’s been a LONG road getting there.) but i feel healthy at this size and my body and health stats reflect that as well. any eventual physical changes are just the cherry on top of already enjoying my active lifestyle. seeing all the different kinds of petites on here really helps put it into perspective for me as well. we’re all so different!
@peaceprevails26 140 to 150 was my before weight and it was so physically uncomfortable and I looked so awful it spurred my return to fitness.

Currently 5'3" 110, the best shape of my life and it feels amazing to move and wear anything I want, I would never let myself get that big again.
@peaceprevails26 i’m 5’3 and think i look best at 118-128. but i’m 155 right now. it’s amazing having boobs and i feel much more feminine, but my thighs are dimpling from fat and my jawline is nonexistent. even my arms have fat for the first time. i don’t feel healthy at all. around 145 almost all my weight is around my stomach which is really unhealthy too. the upper limit of passing for looking decent is probably 140 for me
@peaceprevails26 I’m 5’4” and I weigh around 145. I know I’m borderline overweight. If I was more muscle I’d be perfectly happy at this weight though. But I’m muscle and chub so I know I need to work on that. Am I though? No.

If you are healthy at that weight that’s all that matters
@peaceprevails26 I am 5'1 and 130 is a great weight for me, my mom would always talk about how she was 95 at 5'0 before she got pregnant and I'm just like wow, I would probably look emaciated
@peaceprevails26 Me! I’m 5’1.5” and I look and feel my very best around 140-145 lbs. In fact even at 141-142 lbs my family says I look “sickly” and “unhealthy “. I’m striving to maintain at around 145 because that’s what makes me feel the best about myself!