It’s okay if you don’t want to do at home workouts right now

@jassy I’m in a similar situation. I had to stop going to the gym back in December due to a shoulder injury. I had been doing my PT pretty inconsistently due to depression, but I finally felt okay enough to go back....and then I got quarantined 2 weeks ago due to possible exposure...and then the gyms shut down.

My shoulder still isn’t 100% so I still can’t do a lot of the workouts I want to do, which makes me so frustrated and sad.

But I’m just taking it day by day and giving myself grace to work on my PT and focus on the small things I can do.
@pamk I’m sorry to hear that :(

The good news is that muscle tissue grows fast! (If you’ve already built some up) so it shouldn’t take too long to get back on track. Best of luck to you!
@gumcareblog Thank you for this - I needed it! I’ve been feeling guilty for not being ‘disciplined’ and following up w/ my home workout plans, and instead lounging and relaxing not doing anything hahah. I totally am w/ you w hating it and being reminded of my high school ED tendencies.
@gumcareblog I was all set for home workouts but I keep injuring myself. Right glute keeps acting up from a running injury a few weeks back and I pulled something in my left shoulderblade, so no upper body or lower body for me!

See also: I'm getting old
@gumcareblog I look at it this way: I am healthy, I have fresh food to eat, and I am one of the lucky to be able to work from home. It is OKAY if I don't work out, I can take a break and mentally reset for when I can get back to the gym.

Right now for my mental health, it's best for me to do what I can, and not stress about piling on top of my load. I know it would probably help my mental health if I worked out, but I'm just not there yet and living on the cusp of anxiety where one more little thing like an exercise regime would probably push me over.

Don't feel guilty for not continuing your old pace from the old world. There will be a time to focus on new and old goals soon.
@boby777 Thanks for this, I'm trying to do some home workouts but should try to not beat myself up if I skip or miss some. My main problem is keeping my food intake under control really, I'm an emotional eater and (this is super backwards) the stress of perhaps not having enough food made me eat LOADS. Like I'd find a loaf of bread after trying 7 places (panic buying was massive where I live) and then finish the whole thing in 2 days...
@gumcareblog Very true! At least we have food to get by, and we are doing ok in the grand scheme of things. There's a lot to take in right now and it's ok to let yourself rest.
@gumcareblog Perfect timing somehow! I’ve been beating myself up for not finding motivation to start doing workouts over the past week or two in quarantine. Thank you for this, it never even crossed my mind to go easy on myself until I read this.
@gumcareblog God thank you so much for this post. It’s a lot, seeing all these posts about “I’m reading books and learning a new language and teaching myself new recipes and doing yoga with Adrienne every day”.

I got laid off and I’ve been eating a brick of cheese, crying, and watching The West Wing. I don’t have it in me to try to do some sort of bodyweight exercise in my tiny one bedroom apartment.
@gumcareblog I was talking with someone who I find extremely inspirational about this very thing. She made a valid point that if after going through two pregnancies doing modified workouts she could get back in shape, everyone will be fine after a month or 2 of this awful isolation/ social distancing

It is just taking it one day at a time and realizing exactly what you said "fitness is a marathon, not a sprint". It is just taking it one day at a time and being kind to yourself
@dawn16 Exactly this. I’ve had three pregnancies. Now I have three kids, and the youngest is 2. I can’t even get myself to take a walk right now, which is rather similar to a lot of the time I spent pregnant. I’m not worried; this isn’t the first time I’ve stopped working out for a while, and it won’t be the last. And that means I’ll get back to it after this.