I've made a comprehensive program guide for free

@angel1412 I understand what you mean but if I included all the progressions for all the different movements of each movement pattern this could've been hundreds of page long haha. I did try to link to tutorials through the exercises where possible. It's up to you to fill in the blanks, enjoy :)
@angel1412 A table would be great as it would make it easy to build an individualized routine. I would be really interested in this for the skill and mass programs.
@peinopela Awesome post! Will have to try your it/mix it up with my workouts. It's very structured, where mine isn't and it should help me make mine more structured

This is off topic, but I saw your show reel and keep up the good work! I'm around your level of fitness and currently am accomplishing similar/same exercises you are, so I know it can be rough with certain things and I hope you keep progressing!
@dawn16 It is certainly a little structured. From my experience it's the only way to ensure progression but there is a lot to be said for intuitive training. Good stuff man, it certainly is. Being 191cm and heavy isn't helping either ;(
@peinopela I'm going with the beginners program. I used to be in great shape, but once I graduated school I picked up bad habits. I think it'll work perfectly in getting back into things!
@peinopela Downloaded your program. I am not gonna read/try it right away because I just started a program 2 weeks ago that I created based on OG2 but I wanted to say I really appreciate that you created a 'skill development' oriented routine (along with the other two) as that's my main goal with BWF.