Kid refused to spot me today, so I returned the favor

@ksenona hes probably going to learn to ask for a spotter or not lift as heavy. hopefully he can reflect on the favor OP asked for. its not like op asked him to help him get reps past his failure. he asked for a spot the guy didnt need to have the attitude. just my two cents. you receive what you put put into the universe.
@kmrichard7 I mean firstly, “dump a bar like a grown man” use safeties instead of dumping the bar. That’s not grown man shit, that’s babies first day in the gym activity. That’s shits dangerous for other people in the gym.

There’s countless videos of people tearing pecs, passing out, bar slipping out of their grip or even someone knocking the bar as they walk past and people dropping bars onto their neck.

Spotters are for this reason, sorry you can’t lift heavy enough for these to be a danger to you, yet.