Kid refused to spot me today, so I returned the favor

@deborah321 We are in a bodybuilding sub my friend. We are in fact supposed to talk about weight, and I hope that would not be strange.

Are you stating that you 5x5 315lbs. for green lights at over 210 lbs, a 6'1" frame and on gear? Because you are doing that weird quotation thing again where none are needed. Are you okay? Mental health check on you. You are in your 50's on a natural bodybuilding forum on gear (oral and sharps) getting aggressive about a comment on a post pointing out bad gym etiquette. And saying it is a strange kook thing and then asking if we are pulling out our cocks.
@aeri20 Idk why you're getting downvoted. I'm not at the gym to socialize. I literally go after work at midnight when it's empty. To avoid shit like this and having to wait for a machine or a rack.

Kids got attitude. Nobody owes anyone anything. He also clearly didn't ask for help and wouldn't have received any advice or help well with his attitude.

Was OP supposed to go over there and offer to be his personal trainer? Like what the fuck?

I watch other people spin their wheels and do stupid shit all day in the gym. Usually their teenagers having pissing contests for who can dumbell press the most with bad form.

Am I supposed to go over there and tell them to eat more lower the weight and slow the reps down? Try this training program?

I was one of those kids once upon a time. And let me tell you. The kid in his mind is right and nobody can tell him otherwise. I just avoid them and keep to myself.

I also am not lifting anything I need a spotter for. Or I'm using a power rack with safetys.

If that makes me an asshole too then so be it. People learn when they're willing to learn. OP just shared an observational moment and if some stupid shit was said like I don't even know you.

Then 1. The kids right in his head. 2. He doesn't want help even if he needs it. Fortunately for him, he can't really hurt more than his pride with 115 pound bench.

If the kids scrawny enough to only hit 115. Perhaps OP WAS trying to be friendly by asking for the spot. Just trying to get him involved so he didn't have to continue waiting doing his arm stretches in the corner.

Unless OP is put into a shiny spotlight like Mr.Olympia or IFBB or acting or some shit. Where everything you do or say is hyper anaylyzed to find character flaw. This post doesn't make him look bad. Just honest observations.
@aeri20 Bro I'm honored when people ask me to spot them I don't understand why people have the need to be rude for no reason. People are so weird dude, it's so much easier to be nice.
@tsmaria He's 17, probably new to gym etiquette, my cringey moment was when I asked a guy if we could share the squat rack, I'm was a 5'3"female noob and he's at least 6" taller and super strong. He was very polite and explained how cumbersome that would be and just told me he'd let me know when he was done lol
@willie33 Lol that's not that bad, at least nobody was rude. And if it makes you feel better, that's happened to me but backwards. Asked a girl if we could share squat rack, she asked if I was gonna go heavier, she said no thanks she didn't feel like re racking the weights. I said I would do it for her, but she still said no lmao. But hey, as long as everyone is nice and civil, it's all good