@benjaminthewolf Yeah there a LOT of people usually kids doing some absurdly dumb shit as far as training goes. Not that they are actually training.
But most of the time none of these people want you to walk over give program advice and tell them they aren't growing because they aren't eating enough.
There's literally nothing you can do until they want to learn. Then chances are they'll hit Google and endup on reddit or some mainstream lifting site or forum. And they'll end up following a program.
As in. They'll figure it out on their own. None of those kids are gonna walk up to you and say bro how do I get like you?
And especially if they're in a circle with their squad. 100% it will not be well received if you try to advice them on anything.
Point being, you just observe. They'll figure it out, they'll burn out and quit, they'll ask for help if they want to ask.
People are acting in this reddit like we all have a personal responsibility to invade the personal space of a minor or 18 yearold stranger and just start telling them everything they are doing wrong.
Obviously a LOT of people do really dumb shit in the gym. Unless asked for help. Your job is to do absolutely nothing.
If someone is about to become a paraplegic in the squat rack then YES go help. Otherwise don't do anything.