Ladies, how long did it take you to lose your first 10lb?


New member
5’1, late 20’s. I know everyone’s body is different but I started my journey in May, albeit a few vacations and days where I didn’t count calories, and my progress has been sooooo slow. I’ve weighed myself weekly since May 1st and there have been many fluctuations; as of today Sep 13th I’ve lost only 5.6 lbs. is that normal? I’d love to be more aggressive but for my sanity I am less strict on weekends (and on a strict deficit during the week).

Would love to hear if anyone’s been on a similar pace or any thoughts in general! x
@regadoo Hey, hey! It depends on how much weight you have to lose. The more you need to lose, the faster it will come off. I had 45 pounds to lose and dropped 10 the first month on a very strict deficit. Everyone has their own pace. Congrats on your weight loss so far! :)
@yousee Thank you and congrats on your weight loss as well!! My SW was at 131.6 and CW is 126. My GW is 110, so aiming to lose ~20 lbs overall. I was hoping by the end of the year but it doesn’t look like I’ll get to that point unfortunately.
@regadoo Omg! Our stats are soooo similar. I'm 5', late 20s, and my starting weight was around 131. Current weight fluctuates between 123-127. Weight loss is definitely a much slower process for us.
@regadoo Oh, I definitely think you'll make it if you stick to it! It's just sooooo hard when you're this tiny. Like, my TDEE is like 1,480, so I can only safely cut around 280 calories/day, and that just means super super excruciatingly slow weight loss. Not to mention the fact that calories add up fast, so getting to 1,200 is extremely easy. I found it best to have a few meals/snacks that I rotate that fit into that calorie amount. I've also been thinking of incorporating some exercise to sort of help increase my calorie deficit, hopefully closer to that 500 calorie mark so weightloss will be a bit quicker.
@regadoo Yeah you're quite low in weight already. Almost at the normal BMI as well. So without intense activity, it will really be slow. Maybe 2 lbs a month is doable, if you add more activity and strength train. Do you think that it would be sustainable for you to maintain at 110? Because I think it might be a good idea to reevaluate your goal weight. If you want to look more toned, you can try building muscle at some point instead of continuing to lose weight.
@adriana28 Im consuming ~1350 calories on the weekdays but not counting on weekends. I workout 5-6x a week between strength training, running, and pilates

Edit: typo
@regadoo Similar stats! I'm 5'1, SW: 140, CW: 131, GW: 120.

I lost five pounds in a month, and then the next five in three months. I hope to also reach my goal at the end of the year, but I'm living with my parents, and they go crazy for deserts, especially around the winter holidays.
@rinalamb The first 5 were the easiest because that weight was more akin to water weight, bloat, or period weight. All I did was drink more water and start walking a bit more.

The next 5 required portion control and diet change. My whole family loves dessert, they eat ice cream every night. So I'm challenged every day, since I live with them.

I don't work out due to time constraints. I may get a HIIT exercise in on the weekend at my bf's apartment's workout room. I also bike for half an hour and then walk for half an hour if I do get to use the space.

My pattern is walking at least 8k steps, if not 10-12 daily. I take the bus to worl, then walk home.

I eat a small breakfast, like an apple/banana with peanut butter. Lunch fluctuates with what we have in yhe house, but I always measure out how much I crave, then split that in half. I try not to snack, and if I do, it's cucumbers or something like that. Dinner is the same as lunch. If I do eat a big lunch, I skip dinner. I also try to have a glass of water before lunch/dinner, or at least a few sips.

As for dessert, unlike my family, who eats straight from the ice cream tub, I buy novelties. I know, still bad, but I never overeat when I do.

Right now, I fluctuate between 129-131. When I'm on my period, it's toward the higher end.

I know that to lose the last 10, I need to make bugger changes. I'm hoping to sign up to an athletic club so I can swim or something when it gets too cold. My goal, if I can't lose it, is to maintain during the winter months and not accidentally hibernate or something.
@regadoo I think you should start working out because you’re already at a healthy weight for your height. You might not lose much more, but you’ll start getting the figure you want, which imo is way better than just dropping the weight.
@regadoo I think it took me like 1.5-2 months of being pretty strict calorie counting and exercising. I’ve lost somewhere around 20 lbs since April-ish, from 157 to 137 at 5’3. I’m in my mid-late 30s. I run 5 days a week, swim twice a week, and strength train 5 days a week. As I’ve gotten closer to a weight that feels good, I’m a little more lenient or don’t track on weekends, but I do keep my exercise up on weekends, and am usually more active on weekends than during the week. I do find doing measurements regularly helps when it feels like progress is stalling. Beginning of April I was at 33in waist, 37inch hips. I’m now at 29.5 waist and 32.5 hips. Even during times that the scale hasn’t moved much, those measurements do!
I don’t think it’s a terrible rate to be losing if you’re consistently losing. I’d be curious what your exercise is like and when you say you’re less strict on weekends, how close are you to your target or maintenance/ lose or are you eating in a calorie surplus that’s sort of negating the excess from the week?
@shalaa Wow your perseverance in training is amazing! Congrats on the progress too! This does make me think that maybe I should start taking measurements because I’m just relying on photos but I don’t look any different…

On the weekends I’m not really tracking at all but my guess would be that I’m eating anywhere from 1600-2000. During the week I’m eating 1300-1400 (usually around 1350). I workout 5-6 times a week but it’s a mix of strength training, running, and Pilates/yoga.
@regadoo 5', 130 > 115 and about 6-8 months. Lockdown weight loss because my job went wfh, but there was nothing to do so I was working out 6 days a week during business hours and cutting really strictly. I'm glad I got down from my highest but my mental was absolute garbage. I worried over every little thing I str, felt really guilty over holidays, eventually broke my arm and couldn't get back to working out. All that to say, I'm 120 now, work out 3-5 times a week (cardio/dumbbells), still calorie track but don't sweat it too much. My goal is now to build my base fitness because breaking a limb was debilitating and sucky, and that arm still doesn't feel the same years later.

Remember that your weight can fluctuate DAILY. Some people like to look at it everyday, some once a week. I'm a daily weigh in be cause I like to get the average and also to remind myself if I didn't have a good poop, then sometimes I really do weight a bit more 😂

Slow and steady was a much better fit for me, and really reframing the WHY behind my weight-loss. Before it was "oh God I'm the heaviest I've ever been and I wanna be hot" to "yeah I want to able to do whatever I want to do physically without worry"

Hope that gives some insight!