Ladies, how long did it take you to lose your first 10lb?

@regadoo I have found that being super strict during the week but less strict on the weekends is much slower than trying to be consistent. If you look at Saturday, Sunday, and half of Friday, that's 2.5 days of loose counting - 2.5 lenient days is actually a bigger percentage of the week than you might think. And if you're not being very accurate, you could very easily negate the 4.5 days of strict counting.

I totally get not going insane doing strict counting 24/7 though. I think you can a) continue doing it this way but recognize and accept that it will take longer or b) maybe only do one day of lenient counting, like only Saturday.

At your current stats, because you're not super tall and you are already at a relatively lower weight, it's going to take way more consistent tracking - or just accepting it'll take longer.

Edit to add, the closer you get to your goal weight the less likely you'll be able to avoid strict counting. You'll know when you start to plateau.

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