5’3” ladies over 30, what are your maintenance calories and activity level?

@dawn16 Yeah Mon/Fri - chest, shoulders, triceps Mon/Friday
Tuesday - Core
Wed/Sunday - back, biceps
Thursday - Legs
Saturday - Yoga

Yeah true I may not be burning as much but I am slowly increasing weights but at the same time making sure I have the correct form while doing so! I wish I could lift heavier hopefully I’ll get there haha but these baby weights make me sweat! Lol

The 30 min walks in the morning are usually for my older dog (he can’t run as much so we walk lol) the afternoon one is for me when I can run/walk

But you’re right! Maybe I do need to switch things up a bit. I just needed to form some routine to start off so that I can be consistent 😄 2 months in!
@freds 37, 125-128ish, 2300 calories a day.

Run 5 times a week, 20-30 mpw. One boot camp class a week. One or two pole classes a week. Big walker!
@freds 34, 5'3, 125lb, maintain at roughly 2000. I have a high muscle mass though.
I would characterise myself as moderately active.
That is, I have a job on my feet (teacher), I am home with two small kids on my days off, and I exercise 2-3 times a week.
@freds I’m 5’3” and 40 years old, 114lbs. I lift heavy 4 times a week with a 5th day of core/cardio. I get about 8K steps a day. I work an office job.

I maintain this weight at 2200 cal per day. I cut at 1800/1900, bulk at 2500

I get 140g protein per day on average. I don’t restrict any food group or type of food. I routinely have ice cream or take out without issue.

I think your problem may be that you’ve been eating so little that you’ve slowed your metabolism down to a crawl. My advice would be to reverse diet back up to a decent amount of food, stay there for a bit to heal your metabolism and then you’ll be able to cut at a higher calorie amount. I’ve done this myself and it was the best thing I ever did. I used to gain weight at 1400 per day!

If you’re stalled out now, at the tiny amount you’re eating then there is no where else to go without being so low it’s unhealthy. Good luck OP!
@stosa I often walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes or so after lifting, but often I don’t. My only real solid cardio is that one day per week. I’ll do elliptical mostly or incline walking.
@freds I do 1300 calories, 100g of protien, 3 fruits and 3 veg, Pilates 3-4x week. 10k steps a day. I’ve been losing about 3-4lbs a month. I’ll add that some months you loose and some you don’t it’s just how it works!
@freds Honestly I’ve lost 45 pounds in about a year. It’s been slow and steady. The stalls are real. Just keep on your target, it looks good! You’re doing everything right. Since you are working out it will look like you aren’t loosing cause you’re retaining muscle which is good.

I only switched to 1300 net recently since I’m close to my goal.
@freds I’m 5’2 120 lbs 48yo

My bmr is sluggish despite 10k steps every day, cardio/boxing 30-60 mins EACH day and lifting 3x a week for 45-60 mins.

I’m currently adding in calories to figure out my maintenance. I’m up to 1500 (sometimes 1600) and I haven’t gained or lost anything in 3 weeks. Im happy for sure but like… shouldn’t I be able to eat more? I’m hesitant to try but I think I will soon.

Interestingly - scale is the same but I’m most definitely feeling leaner and abs are becoming visible. So I think I’m in a weird recomp phase and continually adding calories is the right thing. Time will tell!

It feels scary because I don’t want to gain and I feel like it’s going to sneak up on me if I’m not diligent about this.
@sweetkf Woooo abs! Haha I can only dream of having those lol no I totally get what you mean! I fear my bmr has been sluggish as well let me know if you do end up eating more and the result! Hopefully we can eat more without gaining fat but yes to muscle!💪🏼
@freds I have this question too! See my recent posts for current situation lol… Don’t you wish we could all physically hang out and cook meals and show each other workouts and stuff!!??
@jaimez Mannnn who you telling hahaha during my walk today I was like what if there was a chip that can be implanted in me that can tell me what I’m deficient in, what I’m having too much of, what muscle / body part needs attention and alert me during the day “heyyyy just a heads up you’ve consumed too much carbs today might slow down a bit!” Or “hey you’re holding x lbs of water weight do not panic” lol
@freds We laugh now but the way technology and AI is going our next generations will have all that!! They’ll talk about us old crazy people “counting calories” in our head and guessing and how nuts that is I bet!

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