M/20/5'10" [57 KG to 73 KG] My one year natural progress


New member
I Started going to the gym on 31 Dec' 2018 and today it feels like I have actually achieved something in my life. Gym became my new life, never skipped a single day and never skipped a good night's sleep. Lots of mistakes were made and I learnt a lot from them.


My diet game has always been week. Even after joining the gym I didn't eat much nutrient rich food. Sometimes I did sometimes I did not.

I ate 5-6 times a day, 3 main meals and the rest being snacks (Heavily peanut buttered breads with 300ml of milk, eggs, etc) or sometimes proper meals. My main source of protein was always Milk, Yogurt (homemade), egg whites, pulses, etc.

I never ever ate any type of meat. I am not vegan but I dislike meat.


I never took any other supplement other than Protein and Creatine.

I started using Whey Protein and creatine from June - July. In Oct I started taking Isolate Protein. Right now I am using Whey and stopped creatine.

Training and mistakes (mostly mistakes)

I trained single body part everyday and I still do that now. I only did the exercises that the Gym trainer told me.

I mostly exercised with the friends that I made at the gym.

I started training my abs from March and have been training them everyday since then.

In September I started to realise how bad (not so effective) exercises I have been doing since the beginning. In October I COMPLETELY changed my training schedule and started to understand how the body actually works. Until November I didn't even know which body part the exercises I used to do targeted.

One of the biggest mistakes that I made was that I never did many compound movement exercises like Deadlift, weighted squats and Overhead press. I started these exercises in mid October and these are my current numbers:

Deadlift - 150 KG × 2 rep max.

Overhead Press - 40 KG × 6 rep max.

Weighted Squats - 140 KG × 4 rep max.

Bench press - 90 KG × 6 rep max.

Looking back at how used to train it was just horrible. Sometimes the sets per body part used to go 30+ and this was repeated so so many times.

Also, I never ever did cardio even for 5 mins.

My current training schedule is:

Monday - Back + Middle and Lower traps w/Deadlift, Lower abs

Tuesday - Shoulder + Upper traps, Obliques

Wednesday - Legs w/Weighted Squats, Abs

Thursday - Triceps, Lower abs

Friday - Biceps + Middle and Lower traps, Obliques

Saturday - Chest w/bench press + Legs w/leg press, abs

It took me a week to come up with this schedule, it's probably not the best but it's perfect for me right now.


When I went to the gym I weighted 57 KG and now I weigh 73 KG.

I tried doing pull-ups on my first day and I was only able to do 3 half-assed pull-ups. But now I can do 35 clean pull-ups.

The photo does not do justice to my Obliques. The Obliques are the highlight of my body.

I will only keep on pushing and get only better.

Thanks to my gym buddies for getting me where I am today.

Thanks for reading.
@jellyquest This progress just seems a little hard to believe, if indeed true well done but a 140kg squat and no pics of the legs? And from the pic you look very upper body dominant, how are your shoulders that developed with a 40kg OHP? I can OHP 50kg and my shoulders don’t look as good as yours.
@bartedwards There's a difference in training for hypertrophy and for strength also a lot to do with bodyfat. I look no where close to being as muscular as OP yet can ohp 80kg. My shoulders look fine but definitely aren't popping/3D
@bartedwards I wanted to share a photo of legs but I never took a photo of my legs because it's kinda awkward to just pull down your pants in the gym and start taking photos.

For the shoulders I used to do a lot of isolation exercises. I never did OHP but I always did overhead dumbbell press.
@jellyquest Haha don’t pull down your trousers but shorts are pretty tame! Fair enough if you’ve nailed your dumbbell press, all the well done to you if this is legit, the fact that I find it hard to believe is a compliment in itself!
@bartedwards I have never shaved my legs and there's almost a jungle on my legs so I don't like wearing shorts outside of my home.

I just a created a new account to post my progress and I am not even doing any self-promotion. What would even get by lying? I am not saying this to you but to the other people who think I am on roids. It's just a simple thing and some people don't even understand this.
@the_morning_star Yes dude exactly that. It was so difficult to calculate the calorie intake but anyway I did it one day. It turned out to be 2700-3000 which I am pretty sure is definitely not accurate.

I eat 9-12 medium sized rotis every day.

About the protein, I drink 800-1000 ml of milk everyday, and I get the rest of my protein from daal, eggs (10 egg whites per day) and whey protein 25 gram scoop post workout and 15 gram scoop after waking up.
@jellyquest Very impressive! I just don't understand how this is possible?! I've been training 5/6 days a week as hard as I can since August 2018 and my progress is like 5% of this