M 22, 4 months progress. From 130 lbs to 143 lbs

@regularposter Congrats, although I do think you are being a bit too hard on yourself. Your previous BMI was within the healthy range and you had pretty well-developed shoulders and chest already, with some visible separation in the abdominal muscles such as the obliques.
@regularposter Dude is 2 inches taller than me, 12ish pounds lighter, about the same body fat (guessing based on appearance), and looks bulkier lmao. I’m honestly not even mad, I just don’t understand how that works 😂
@williambo The leaner you get, the "bigger" you look because of the increase in definition. If he was 12 pounds heavier, he wouldn't look as defined as he looks now. I know, it's strange how it works.
@williambo Dude im also like what!?

Im 5.10, 80kg and not far off in terms of body fat but I dont look like that hahahha

My tights are pretty massive though, and I got pretty broad shoulders so I got a bigger frame to develop muscles on compared to other my height... I guess that could explain it.
@trisuimaoga Thanks! I think I have good pec genetics because they’ve always been defined before I ever worked out seriously. Everyone’s results vary, your training is not in vein! Even if you are not happy with your aesthetics just yet you are still benefiting your overall health. With consistency you will get where you want to be!
@tara74 😂 my parents love their plants more then they love me, they all have to come inside before it gets to cold where I live. As for abs I mainly stick to these two routines, I like to switch between them here and there to keep things interesting.

@dawn16 Sure, I start every day with a shake and 3 boiled eggs. My shake contains protein powder, a banana, frozen berries, almond butter and almond milk. My lunch and dinner usually consist of the same few things. Brown rice mixed with quinoa and vegetables, a garden salad with olive oil, lemon juice and a touch of salt, and a hefty amount of meat, mostly lean chicken and beef, but I do have fish occasionally. I also have pasta every now and again but I did reduced my bread intake to virtually none. When I snack I try and stick to fruits or just eat real foods instead of a “snack.” I also try and drink at least a half gallon of water per day. Hope this helps!
How much calories do you eat for lunch Macros and all? I'm expectations are eat anywhere between 500 to 700 cals with a combination of carbs and proteins and I usually rely on frozen meals and I struggle to find more portions to get the rest in. My goal is to aim up to 2800 calories daily.